
A National Court judge agreed Thursday with prosecutors that Wilman Terán, former president of Ecuador’s Judiciary Council, should remain jailed until he goes on trial in 120 days. Terán was one of 31 people arrested in the Operation Metastasis investigation, accused of accepting bribes from narco gang boss Leandro Norero to influence the outcome of...
US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has met with Mexico’s president, in an attempt to limit the surge of migrants reaching the US southwestern border. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said he is willing to help, but he wants to see progress in US relations with Cuba and Venezuela, two of the top sources...
By Garnett Stewart For our new 2024, I propose a well-known poem known as “Desiderata.” It was discovered on the wall of the Episcopal Church of my family in Baltimore, Maryland. Unsigned and dated 1692. My family’s plantation was established on land that is now part of Johns Hopkins University and Hospital. Despite suffering severe...
Following criticism that the new government’s plan to combat crime is short on details, Interior Minister Mónica Palencia is “filling in the blanks” in a series of interviews. “I agree we need to provide more information but we have been in office for only a month and needed time to evaluate the situation before making...
Rains that fell over most of the country on Tuesday and Wednesday have refilled rivers and reservoirs but have also caused landslides and flooding. “There is always the bad side effects of heavy rain but, on balance, this is very good news since it brings drought relief and the prospect that life can return to...
By Constanza Lambertucci Summoned by trade unions and other organizations, thousands of people gathered in downtown Buenos Aires this Wednesday to demand the halt of far-right-wing President Javier Milei’s “necessary and urgent” decree to dismantle the Argentine State. The protest brought together the country’s main labor confederations, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and the...
Cuenca is the case that proves the point, says parttime expat and retired criminology professor Martin Simmons, referring to a recent article in the Washington Post that called the crime situation in Ecuador a “tale of two countries.” “The story quoted a United Nations drug office official about the murder rate and he mentioned that...
Former Vice President Jorge Glas has officially requested political asylum in Mexico after taking up residency at the Mexican embassy in Quito last week. The former vice president faces corruption charges for mismanagement of reconstruction funds in Manabí Province following the 2016 earthquake. An arraignment hearing in the case is scheduled for January 5 in...
By Mark Travers Have you ever wondered what your life would be like without a smartphone? Some may envision a life of peace without distraction, whereas some may see a life with less convenience and connection. Others, however, may feel terrified of the idea entirely. Psychological research has uncovered a new fear: “nomophobia”—where individuals become...
Although early revelations of the Attorney General’s “Operation Metastasis” focused on the corruption of judges, police and prison officials, the evidence also shows the influence a powerful crime boss exerted in national and local governments. Phone and text transcripts reveal efforts within the National Assembly to attack assembly members, including assassinated presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio,...
By Paola Lopez A hunchback with goiter, a child decapitated by a soldier, and a woman with a bloodied face are among the unusual figures in an Ecuador nativity scene that aims to provide a realistic depiction of historical life. The vast creche belongs to the Discalced Carmelites, a religious order that has been present...
By Andrea Rodriguez The Cuban government said Friday it will have to either increase prices for fuel and electricity or reduce rations for basic supplies. President Miguel Díaz-Canel said such difficult measures were needed for difficult times, after the minister of the economy said Cuba’s economy contracted between 1% and 2% this year, and inflation ran...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News