
The Ministry of Energy said Tuesday it is suspending electricity blackouts until at least January 2, 2024. It credited recent rains and a drop in power usage for the decision. Through her X account, Energy Minister Andrea Arrobo said that higher flow levels on the Rios Paute and Coca and improved management practices at hydropower...
By Tad Ramos Archaeologists in Peru have revealed the discovery of the burial grounds of at least 73 individuals dating back approximately 1,000 years, predating the Inca’s dominance in western South America by a few hundred years. Each of these were wrapped in fabric, some of which exhibited vibrant colors, and secured with rope. The...
Ecuador’s National Assembly approved a resolution Monday supporting the work of Attorney General Diana Salazar. The support follows the arrests of 31 government officials and attorneys alleged to have been bribed by drug gangs and cartels. The vote came as the Citizens Revolution prepares for an impeachment trial of Salazar, who they charge with “incompetence...
Lunes, 18/12/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Ballet en el parque Calderón – The ballet, “Cascanuezes” (Nutcracker), will be performed el viernes 22/12 a las 20:00 in the parque Calderón. This follows a first performance last sábado. Free. Expo de bienes patrimoniales – In the Casa de Arte of the U. of Cuenca (av. 12...
By Steve Fink Binge drinkers are three times more likely to suffer liver damage compared to individuals who consume a couple of glasses of wine a day, new research reveals. Scientists in London say the pattern of alcohol consumption is a more accurate predictor of liver and other disease risk than the total amount consumed....
Cuenca’s four rivers were flowing at normal levels Sunday night following two days of rain. “The rivers are temporarily replenished and the city’s drinking water reservoirs have refilled,” the municipal drinking water authority, ETAPA, reports. ETAPA’s hydrometeorological office said that Cuenca’s two largest rivers, the Tomebamba and Yanuncay were showing flow levels of 7.9 and...
Domingo, 17/12/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Rituales por Kapak Raymi (Rituals for Kapak Raymi) – The Museo de las Culturas Aborígenes and the Museo Pumapungo will celebrate Kapac Raymi on el 21/12. This Andean celebration on the solstice, is in honor of germination and agricultural weeding. The first museum will have live Andean music...
Ecuador’s new government will cut $1 billion in spending to deal with “brutal inefficiency” before potentially seeking loans from multilateral organizations, and raise some $300 million by selling gold reserves, President Daniel Noboa said in an interview on Friday. Noboa took office last month on promises to create jobs, especially for young people, and boost...
Chile has rejected the proposal for a new constitution drafted by a right-leaning Constitutional Council. With 99% counted, 55% voted “no” to the new charter on Sunday, with about 44% in favor. Turnout was 83%. The result was predicted by polls released 15 days ago. But it was an open race, in part because voting...
“What the Operation Metastasis investigation revealed was nothing less than the decomposition of Ecuador’s justice system,” Attorney General Diana Salazar said during a lengthy arraignment hearing Thursday night following the arrest of 31 government officials and private practice attorneys. Among those arrested in raids in seven provinces were the former head of the country’s prison...
Viernes, 15/12/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Expresiones e historias de vida” en exposición (An exhibit, “Expressions and stories of life”) – There is a show at the Museo de los >Metals to promote and visualize the creativity of people with neurodegenerative conditions. The goal of the show is to see the abilities of people...
The presidents of Venezuela and Guyana pledged after direct talks on Thursday not to resort to force to settle a long-simmering — and recently reheated — territorial dispute over the oil-rich Essequibo region, a joint statement said. Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Guyana’s Irfaan Ali shook hands after a two-hour meeting on the Caribbean island nation...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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