
By Polly Thompson Tens of thousands of passports have been obtained by Russians, Iranians, Chinese and others from Caribbean nations, granting them visa-free travel to European countries, according to a report by the European Commission. The Commission said five Caribbean nations – Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and Dominica –...
Although it received little attention during the recent presidential campaign, Ecuador’s new government will be forced to reckon with the contentious issue of fuel subsidies. “This has been swept under the rug by governments for 30 years but the cost has become so massive it cannot ignored for much longer,” says former Finance Ministry deputy...
Author’s note: This is the first of a three-part series about diabetes. Part 1 offers a basic overview of the disease and its different types. Part 2 discusses ways to control it with pills, diet and exercise. Part 3 considers the new treatment possibilities, including medicines, as well as the Spanish names.   By Garnett Stewart...
By Camilo Montoya-Galvez The United States will soon offer a new legal immigration pathway for certain immigrants from Ecuador in a bid to dissuade people in the South American nation from trekking to the U.S.-Mexico border, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News. The administration will be setting up a family reunification...
Ecuador’s Energy Ministry declared a national emergency for the country’s electrical system Wednesday, a move that it allows it to increase non-hydro electrical generation and to impose service blackouts if necessary. The move was required, the ministry said, following a decision by Colombia to reduce electricity sales to Ecuador. A ministry spokesman added that the...
By Paola Lopez and Santiago Piedra Silva  Ecuador’s president-elect Daniel Noboa, its youngest ever, is bracing for a titanic clash with narco traffickers that have turned the South American country upside down with a spate of horrific violence. With little political experience, the businessman son of one of Ecuador’s richest men will be confronting gangs with...
President-elect Daniel Noboa and President Guillermo Lasso met Tuesday in what both say is the beginning the transition between the two governments. The two men held a private two-hour meeting that included current and future cabinet members. “This was very constructive,” Noboa said after the meeting. “I need all the information I can get to...
By Haley Strack Colombian president Gustavo Petro expelled the country’s Israeli envoy, Gali Dagan, for criticizing the president’s outspoken support of Palestinians and accusations against Israel following Hamas’s invasion of Israel. Petro said on Monday that Dagan should “at a minimum, apologize and leave” the country. Dagan’s criticism of Petro came after the Colombian president...
By Liam Higgins Because of his unexpected rise to the presidency, relatively little is known about Daniel Noboa other than the fact he is the son of banana magnate and billionaire Álvaro Noboa. Even his politics are something of a mystery; much of the media call him center-right although he says he’s a centrist with...
Lunes, 2/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 14/10 (2 articles): Taller de percusión (Percussion workshop) – There will be a multi-percussion and composition workshop el 16, 17, & 18/10 a las 17:30 in the “Catalina Sojos” auditorium in the Casa de la Cultura (Pres. Córdova 7-89, 3d floor). <I wonder...
By Bruno Kelly and Jake Spring The Amazon River fell to its lowest level in over a century on Monday at the heart of the Brazilian rainforest as a record drought upends the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and damages the jungle ecosystem. Rapidly drying tributaries to the mighty Amazon have left boats...
Daniel Noboa, the surprise candidate of Ecuador’s cross death election, will be the country’s new president. With more than 95% of votes from Sunday’s runoff election counted, Noboa held a 52.25% to 47.75% lead over Citizens Revolution candidate Luisa González. The son of so-called “banana baron” Alvaro Noboa, a five-time loser in presidential elections, Noboa,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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