
By Mitra Taj; Photos by Marco Garro After weeks of living in jungle tents, the handful of Mennonite families trying to make a new home deep in the Peruvian Amazon began to despair. Wasps attacked as they tried to clear forest. Heavy rains turned the road to their camp to mud. Running low on supplies,...
By Fernando Heller Venezuela could enter a “condition of chaos” if the country’s president, Nicolás Maduro, insists on claiming that he won the 28 July national election without being able to prove it, EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell warned Monday. “If Maduro insists on saying he has won and does not want to understand that,...
Attorney General Diana Salazar said Monday that she is ready to face an impeachment trial in the National Assembly. The trial was postponed earlier in the year due to complications with her pregnancy. “My doctor has assured me that the issues she was concerned about regarding the pregnancy are now under control,” Salazar wrote on...
By Sarah Gillespie; Photos by Ben Pipe Our guide Fabio Chimbo tips my head back and pours the medicine down my nose; I cough. It slithers down my throat and burns through my chest, fierier than a single malt. It’s 5 a.m., but I’m fully awake now. Everything’s amplified: the crackling fire, the curling smoke,...
By Carolina Mella Organized crime and violence are an obstacle to development and growth in Latin American countries. Security has become one of the main concerns among citizens. According to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), violence has weakened states, increased the cost of doing business, and costs the region 3.5% of GDP. The problem is...
Lunes, 19/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Proyección de documental de géneros musicales urbanos (Screening of a documentary on urban music genres) – For fans of musical genres such as hip hop, electronic music and metal, there will be a screening of the documental “Culturas Urbanas” mañana (martes) a las 19:00 in the Sala Alfonso...
By Stephen Vargha Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres said, “While every refugee’s story is different and their anguish personal, they all share a common thread of uncommon courage — the courage not only to survive, but to persevere and rebuild their shattered lives.” For Mariya Zrazhaeva, 42, her courage took her from Ukraine...
By Jeremiah Reardon, Photos by Andy Kim and Jeremiah Reardon On Tuesday evening at 8 P.M., August 13, I watched our hometown assemble in the streets to offer a well-deserved homage to its recent hero, Olympian Daniel Pintado. Young and old stood with me on the sidewalk to watch his parade on Avenida Remigio Crespo....
By Marco Cacciati Latin America and the Caribbean are facing a ‘low economic growth trap’ that threatens to stall progress across the region, according to a new report from the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The organization’s annual Economic Survey, released last week, paints a sobering picture of sluggish investment,...
Venezuelan refugees and their supporter around the world took to the streets Saturday to defend their claim that Edmundo González defeated President Nicolás Maduro in the July 28 presidential election. In Caracas, a crowd of more than 100,000 bearing banners and signs marched through the city center demanding Maduro leave office. In Europe, hundreds of...
Overnight, the outlook for Ecuador’s February presidential election race has changed. That’s the assessment of political analysts Sunday morning after Jan Topic announced his candidacy on the Sociedad Unida Más Acción party (SUMA) ticket late Saturday. “A week ago, it appeared we would see a rematch of last year’s runoff election between [President Daniel] Noboa...
By Jim Smith When Expats move to or visit developing countries, they can significantly influence the local community in both positive and challenging ways. Although many Expats aim to contribute constructively and immerse themselves in their new environments, certain behaviors can unintentionally cause frustration among locals. This article explores the top five benefits and annoyances...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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