Ecuador News

By Jane Brinton The Waterbearers co-founder and executive director When I moved to Cuenca in 2013, I wanted to experience something different, but not to retire. As a second-time expat and world traveler, I’m no stranger to adapting to new lifestyles and cultures. For the first year I explored opportunities, but what I was really...
Rafael Correa should have seen it coming. All he had to do, in fact, was listen to what his soon-to-be successor was saying on the campaign trail. As it was, Correa seemed blind-sided almost from the moment Lenin Moreno took office. Correa’s hospital convalescence from pneumonia, immediately following the inauguration, was a fitting metaphor. Even before...
To understand what’s at stake in next month’s presidential election, it’s important to first consider Rafael Correa’s enormous impact on Ecuador. The election will be, in large part, a referendum on his presidency. It’s also important to understand that Correa’s former vice president and heir apparent, Lenin Moreno, could steer the country on a dramatically...
“I’m Asian, and I didn’t want to end up in a camp — they’ve done it before,” after a second glass of wine, a Cuenca expat is quietly telling me why she left California. “I worked in the industry. We left Seattle as soon as we saw the video and understood what happened at Fukushima,”...
As the initial shock of Saturday night’s earthquake gives way to the grim reality of human and property losses, Ecuador confronts the biggest reconstruction project in its history. Before that begins, however, comes the search and rescue and search and recovery efforts for hundreds, possibly thousands, of people buried under the rubble. That process began...
Rafael Correa is a megalomaniac, a loud-mouth, a control freak, a religious fanatic, the architect of a nanny state, a muzzler of free speech, and a court-packer. He is, by turns, intolerant, insulting, insensitive, paranoid, condescending and thin-skinned. He is also the best president Ecuador has had in decades, possibly since Eloy Alfaro at the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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