Ecuador News

By Matthew Cappucci A developing El Niño is already dramatically influencing Earth’s weather, scrambling precipitation patterns and boosting temperatures higher and higher. Forecasters say it’s only a matter of time before El Niño’s arrival is official, and there is concern it could incite unprecedented extreme weather. Scientists don’t yet know how strong this El Niño...
The magnitude of the weekend floods in Esmeraldas continues to grow as more rain fell on the area Tuesday. “This is a disaster of almost unimaginable dimensions, affecting thousands and thousands of families,” President Guillermo Lasso said Monday following a helicopter fly-over of flooded communities. Lasso said that “all government resources” would be used to...
By Garry Vatcher Foundation Hogar de Esperanza has been visiting Alausí to bring support since the landslide on March 26 that devastated this close-knit community. On the last few trips, we wanted to see how the disaster affected those in the community and hear some of their stories. Alausí is small but bustling town, famous...
By Kenny Stancil A report published Monday reveals how multilateral development banks’ financing of factory farms has unleashed significant social and ecological harm in Ecuador, and civil society groups say the banks’ failure to consult or compensate affected Indigenous communities violates Ecuadorian law and their own policies. Over the past 20 years, the International Finance...
National Court Judge Mauricio Espinoza has denied the request of prosecutors to order preventive detention of former president Lenin Moreno and his wife Rocío González in the Sinohydro corruption case. He also ruled that ordering Moreno to report monthly to a Quito court is unreasonable. Instead, Espinoza ordered Moreno and González to appear during the...
In what could be a preview of the new El Niño weather phenomenon, more than 500 people were evacuated from their homes in northern Ecuador on Sunday. Although no one was reported dead or missing, many homes are feared damaged beyond repair. Dozens of residents climbed onto the rooftops or balconies of their homes to...
Viernes, 2/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Cultura – De El Mercurio del jueves, 1/6(2 articles): Agenda cultural – 3/6 – Teatro – La Gallinta Sembradora – Auditorio Catalina Sojos de la Casa de la Cultura – 11:00 and 15:30. 4/6 – Muestra – Exposiciones sobre la Cuenca de hace 100 años – Museo Remigio Crespo Toral...
Neither President Guillermo Lasso or Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) President Leonidas Iza will be candidates for president in the cross death election. Both made announcements Friday, ending speculation about their political futures. Although Lasso said he would not be a candidate when he announced the cross death two weeks ago, he since then hinted...
In a survey of 4,000 poor and vulnerable families living in and near Quito, almost 20% of school-aged children were found not to be attending classes. Parents and custodians told Ecuador’s Secretariat of Inclusion that the children were needed to work to support their families. “Although the study focus is on Quito, its findings almost...
By Liam Higgins Internal disputes among the indigenous movement’s major social and political organizations is threatening to reduce its effectiveness in the coming cross death elections. Less than year after the movement mounted a powerful national strike that forced major concessions from the government, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) and the political party, Pachakutik,...
Miércoles, 31/5/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Con informes definirán el futuro de los radares (Reports will define the future of radars) – There will be a meeting this week to talk about what actions will be taken to fulfill mayor Zamora’s promise to remove the speed radars. His manager of EMOV EP, Darío Ordóñez,...
By Eduardo Campos Lima Catholic Church activists from the province of Orellana in the Ecuadorian Amazon have been staging weekly protests since February against mining and oil exploitation in the rainforest. Protesters say extraction activities are contaminating the local rivers, soil and atmosphere and are linked to dozens of cases of cancer in the region....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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