Ecuador News

By Liam Higgins Ecuador is one of the world’s most seismically active countries. In the last 48 hours from midnight Wednesday to midnight Friday, there were seven earthquakes of 3.5 magnitude or higher and dozens more of 2.0 magnitude or greater. According to Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute, the country has registered 3,433 seismic events of 3.5...
Some 700 Peruvian soldiers and police officers will reinforce its southern border with Chile to prevent the entry of undocumented migrants, Peruvian authorities said on Friday, amid diplomatic tensions between the two countries over the issue. Hundreds of migrants are stranded at the border, including mostly undocumented Venezuelans, according to the Peruvian police. The migrants...
Ecuador’s Public Security Council (Cosepe) claimed Thursday that “terrorist elements” in the country pose a threat to the structural integrity of state institutions and public safety. In a statement, Cpsepe recommended that President Guillermo Lasso issue an executive decree authorizing “the use of lethal force to combat threats to the Ecuadorian people.” Lasso, who attended...
By Matt McGrath and Mark Poynting A recent, rapid heating of the world’s oceans has alarmed scientists concerned that it will add to global warming. This month, the global sea surface hit a new record high temperature. It has never warmed this much, this quickly. Scientists don’t fully understand why this has happened. But they...
By Dorothy Spears Illustrations by Alexis Rockman On our first morning in the Amazon, we awoke in total darkness. After a 4:30 a.m. breakfast at the Sani Lodge, where our group was staying, my husband, Alexis, and I pulled on our rubber boots. Our birding guide, Jeison Gualinga, whistled for a canoe while flashing his...
More than 49 bodies have been recovered at the scene of the Alausí landslide one month after the disaster. According to Ecuador’s Risk Management Secretariat, at least 39 people remain missing at the 24-hectare site on the north side of Alausí. According to the Alausí Fire Department, the search for victims has been “continuous” during...
A magnitude 5.8 earthquake, centered under Puna Island in Guayas Province, rocked much of southern Ecuador early Tuesday morning. Intense shaking was reported in the coastal area near the epicenter at 12:35 a.m., with light to moderate shaking felt in nine provinces. Moderate shaking was reported in the cities closest to the earthquake, Cuenca, 90...
Heavy weekend rain has washed out roads and bridges and flooded hundreds of homes and businesses. Although Guayas, Esmeraldas and Manabí Provinces suffered the most extensive damage, risk management officials say “extensive flooding” has occurred in at least 10 provinces. “We are experiencing unprecedented amounts of rainfall which has overwhelmed emergency services in many communities...
Ecuador takes pride in its heritage as the origin place of cacoa — the key ingredient of chocolate — and the government has promoted the fact for decades. More recently, it has celebrated the discovery of ceramic jars in the upper Amazon region that have been determined to be vessels for cocoa beans. A replica...
By Matthias Baumgart Stock market investors were in for a rough ride last year. Major indices were down, some significantly. A number of relatively small regional stock exchanges, however, outperformed their much more famous counterparts. Ecuador has two stock exchanges: Quito (Bolsa de Valores de Quito, BVQ) and Guayaquil (Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil, BVG)....
Major disagreements are emerging in the National Assembly coalition that seeks to impeach President Guillermo Lasso. The conflicts follow Lasso’s renewed threat, made earlier in the week, of using the so-called cross death to dissolve the Assembly and call new elections. Members of the Assembly’s Social Christian, Pachakutik and Democratic Left delegations objected Thursday to...
By Jeremiah Reardon After the alarming earthquake on March 18, my wife Belinda and I were deeply touched and overwhelmed by all who showed concern about our welfare, both through emails and phone calls. Ecuador was in the news again due to an earthquake. The recent one hit 6.7 on the Richter Scale, weaker in...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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