Ecuador News

I watched quietly as the swollen Paute River carted away dirt, stone, and scoured human debris from a recent rainstorm. It was a strong reminder that the gods of Fertility and Loss, when absorbed in their enthusiasm for being unequalled, will occasionally flood villages and wash away livelihoods without regard to faith or frailty. It...
As National Assembly opponents of President Guillermo Lasso discuss his possible impeachment and dismissal, the special committee investigating corruption in public companies continues to hear to witness testimony. On Thursday and Friday, the committee heard comments from Attorney General Diana Salazar that information about links to bribery, money laundering and drug trafficking in government-run companies...
By Liam Higgins Cuenca old-timers will tell you that Carnival is not what it used to be. They’ll also tell you that it’s not as bloody, either. “It has always been fun,” says Patricio Sanchez, “but years ago it was also a time when people settled grudges and there were many fights. I remember seeing...
By Michael Stott, Christine Murray and Lucinda Elliott The offer from the US sounded appealing: if Latin American nations donated their ageing Russian-made military kit to Ukraine, Washington would replace it with superior American weaponry. But far from taking up the US proposal, which was revealed last month by General Laura Richardson, head of the...
The foam was flying Thursday night as tens-of-thousands crowded into Cuenca’s historic district for Jueves de Compadres y Comadres, the traditional opening of the long Carnival weekend. According to a police estimate, a crowd of about 15,000 crunched into San Francisco Plaza and surrounding streets to listen to music and blast their neighbors with aerosol...
By J. Kenji López-Alt Have you been reacquainting yourself with the forgotten spices and fusty beans from the depths of your pantry? How fusty is too fusty? When is the right time to throw something out? And what about fresh ingredients? If I’m trying to keep supermarket trips to a minimum, how long can my...
As time runs out on a special National Assembly committee investigating corruption at Ecuador’s government-run companies, its leaders are blasting President Guillermo Lasso for refusing to appear in person to answer questions. Lasso was called to testify before the Justice Committee in the so-called Caso Encuentro on Monday but declined, claiming “agenda conflicts.” Earlier, the...
By Aimee Gabay As a child, Leo Cerda would spend his mornings helping his family cultivate cassava, plantains and other fruits and vegetables in their chakra, a traditional garden in Kichwa communities. In the Ecuadorian village of Napo, traditions form a large part of family and spiritual life. At around 3am each morning, before heading to...
Creative writing is a field that is growing in popularity among students in the United States. It offers an opportunity to express oneself creatively and develop skills in writing and communication. I prepared some of the best creative writing bachelor’s degree programs in the USA. Let’s take a look at them. Columbia University Columbia’s undergraduate...
By Anastasia Piatakhina Giré We all come to our new country with some kind of luggage. Sometimes we bring with us some heavily charged suitcases, sometimes just a few books and a backpack. Even if we like to travel light, we still carry some pieces of our reality, the cultural, social and political realities of...
Ecuador’s Attorney General’s office has begun an investigation into the deaths of two men who were beaten and then burned to death last week in the Cotopaxi Province town of Toacaso. The deaths are being called “executions” by leaders of the Panzaleo, the indigenous people who make up the majority of Toacaso residents. “These men...
A series of earthquakes over the weekend at the Cotopaxi volcano has put nearby communities on alert for what the national risk management office calls an “ominous threat.” In a Sunday statement, risk managers urged local officials in vulnerable areas of Cotopaxi and Pichincha Provinces to “increase the pace of preparations” for a possible eruption....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News