Ecuador News

The mystery of the Guano mummy, a naturally mummified body discovered here 73 years ago has deepened in the wake of a scientific analysis indicating that the remains are not those of a 16th-century Spanish friar on a mission to evangelize the indigenous people of present-day central Ecuador. Measuring 156 cm (61.4 in) and encased...
By Kathleen Peddicord You may be surprised to learn of the two biggest expenses expats often face. Most of us think of rent. Food and entertainment. Taxes maybe. But, in my experience, many expats spend more on two other expenses. These two costs rarely show up in cost summaries for destinations abroad, and they rarely...
By Jason Jay Smart As one strolls around various countries in Latin America, an underlying appreciation for Russia – specifically Soviet Russia – can still be sensed. Years after communism fell in Europe, Quito, the capital of Ecuador, still has a centrally located street named “Checoslovaquia” and a primary school named “Escuela Unión Soviética,” the...
The long-delayed Quito Metro subway project faces new delays following the rejection of a management contract signed last week with Colombian and French companies. “This project has been one disaster after another for 12 years and this is just the latest,” said Quito municipal councilwoman Paulina Izurieta. “This surprises no one.” On Wednesday, the National...
Editor’s note: A Spanish-language translation of this article appears below. By Jean-Claude Koven This is a plea to all extranjeros and Ecuadorian citizens to help resolve one of our country’s most divisive issues: How to make fuel subsidy reform work in a climate of deep distrust. The problem, if stated clearly, is relatively simple. The...
If you’re planning a trip to the beach in Ecuador, you’ll have plenty of choices to choose from. Although the beaches of the extraordinary Galapagos Islands are, without doubt, the country’s best, the mainland’s Pacific coast offers a number of excellent beaches that offer characteristics to satisfy the tastes of all travelers. Here’s a short...
The Network of Free Journalists is the latest non-profit organization encouraging President Guillermo Lasso to veto the Organic Law of Communication passed in July by the National Assembly. “If allowed to go into effect, this legislation would be an instrument for political revenge, just as the communication law enacted during the Rafael Correa regime proved...
Ecuador’s indigenous movement complained Tuesday that negotiations with the government are moving too slowly to accomplish the objectives laid out following the 18-day national strike in June. “If we continue at this rate, we are not going to conclude in the 90 days agreed to by both sides,” Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) President Leonidas...
Ecuador geophysicists say there is no scientific connection between the appearance of a rarely seen tropical fish and the recent rash of earthquakes. They add that the story that oarfish sightings are predictors of a major earthquake is a “folktale, part of popular legend,” with no basis in fact. According to Ecuador fishery experts, at...
By Rowena Edwards and Karin Strohecker A Luxembourg bailiff has ordered banks to freeze assets held by Ecuador in Luxembourg accounts as a result of a dispute over a $391 million settlement award that Anglo-French oil company Perenco says remains unpaid, a document seen by Reuters show. Ecuador’s government pledged in June 2021 to honor...
The Sangay volcano erupted late Saturday night and the accompanying explosions could be heard in large portion of central and southern Ecuador, including Cuenca. On Sunday, Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute said the eruption was in the “small to moderate” range but said activity could intensify. The institute said that that areas to the west and southwest...
By Liam Higgins Fishing is a subsistence living for most of those who work the trade on Ecuador’s coast. It requires long hours, most of them at night, in leaky open boats, far from shore. That’s why eyebrows are raised when some fisherman suddenly buy new boats with powerful motors. Even more eyebrows are raised...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of June 30

Constitutional Court Sets Criteria for Deportation of Foreigners Amid Migrant Rights Debate.

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Ecuador’s Economy Grows 1.2% Despite Decline in Exports and Household Consumption.

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Ecuador Appoints Cristian Espinosa as Ambassador to U.S., Bolstering Diplomatic Relations.

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Hogar Esperanza News