Ecuador News

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador leadership said it was “shocked” by President Guillermo Lasso’s Tuesday decision to break off negotiations. “Despite this insult, we remain willing to continue the dialog for the purpose of reaching a satisfactory conclusion to the strike,” Conaie said in a statement on its Twitter account. “By breaking the...
President Guillermo Lasso abruptly ended talks with the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities Tuesday afternoon, blasting Conaie leader Leonidas Iza for “promoting his own political agenda” and ignoring the needs of the indigenous people. Lasso’s decision followed what he described as a “nighttime ambush” of a fuel convoy in Orellana Province that left one soldier dead...
Ecuador could suspend oil production in 48 hours if the nationwide indigenous protests and road blockades continue, the Ministry of Energy and Mines said Monday. The hydrocarbon sector was adversely affected by road blockades and the seizure of oil wells in the country’s Amazon region, Xinhua news agency quoted the Ministry as saying. “If this...
In the first day of negotiations between the government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, the price of  low-octane gasoline and diesel fuel dominated the agenda. Conaie President Leonidas Iza is asking for an additional 40-cent reduction in price following President Guillermo Lasso’s Sunday announcement of a 10-cent reduction. Iza also insisted that...
By Danny Rueda Córdova and Leonardo DiCaprio There are few places in the world as majestic and full of wonder as Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands. From the rosy-hued pink iguanas on the northern rim of Wolf Volcano to the iconic Pinzón giant tortoise on Pinzón Island to the black-tipped reef sharks feeding off Floreana Island, we...
The momentum shift was dramatic. Within the span of 24 hours President Guillermo Lasso went from being a man on the ropes, battered and facing near-certain defeat, to being the man calling the shots. On Friday morning, his government was reeling as indigenous strikers held Quito in their grip, marching at will through the city...
In an unexpected move, President Guillermo Lasso rescinded the state of emergency he ordered just five days ago. The emergency, a response to anti-government protest violence, applied to Chimborazo, Tungurahua, Cotopaxi, Pichincha, Pastaza and Imbabura Provinces. Earlier Saturday, representatives of the government and the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) met for the first time at...
National Police evicted thousands of anti-government protesters Friday night from Quito’s El Arbolito Park and the adjacent Casa del Cultura, key staging areas for demostrations and marches that have sometimes turned violent. “The operation at El Arbolito was aimed at individuals who have acted violently toward police in recent days,” said National Police Commander General...
An effort by the Correista Union of Hope (UNES) in the National Assembly to impeach President Guillermo Lasso failed Friday when the Social Christian and Democratic Left parties announced they oppose the move. In a statement released at 7 a.m., UNES said that the Assembly should move immediately to remove the president, blaming him for...
Police were called to the scene of at least three disturbances late Thursday as some Cuenca residents attempted to dismantle roadblocks on city streets. Several fist fights were reported as pro- and anti-strike supporters clashed. At the Tres Puentes redondel at Av. Solando, rocks were thrown when several drivers began removing obstacles from the roadway....
Commenting early Thursday afternoon, Government Minister Francisco Jiménez, said that day 11 of the nationwide indigenous strike was “the most peaceful” since protests began on June 13. “The marches in Quito have been orderly and without major incidents today,” he said. “This is how disputes between the government and social sectors should be expressed.” An...
Government Minister Francisco Jimenez says he and President Guillermo Lasso are reviewing the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities’ response to its offer to begin negotiations but said it cannot comply with the demand to “demilitarize” Quito or revoke the state of emergency. At the 10-day mark, Conaie’s anti-government strike has disrupted transportation and the delivery of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of June 30

Constitutional Court Sets Criteria for Deportation of Foreigners Amid Migrant Rights Debate.

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Ecuador’s Economy Grows 1.2% Despite Decline in Exports and Household Consumption.

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Ecuador Appoints Cristian Espinosa as Ambassador to U.S., Bolstering Diplomatic Relations.

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