Expat Life

If you ask Heather Steyn about sheep, don’t expect a short answer and if your question is about sheep’s milk cheese, expect to sit a spell. Heather’s and her husband Phillip’s immersion into artisanal cheesemaking began as a hobby at their ranch in Colorado. Although they were busy with their careers as veterinarians, they found...
By Kamilia Lahrichi For expats in Argentina — and all over Latin America, for that matter — the idea of punctuality is one of the hardest things to understand. Argentines, in particular, have a very relaxed attitude towards time. In fact, punctuality can seem rude. Even the linguistic idiosyncrasies prove the point. In a “mañana...
By Andrea Kluth The U.S. Supreme Court has lately polarized Americans with controversial verdicts on abortion, guns, climate change and more. Another case on its docket, by contrast, will get intense scrutiny mainly from millions of Americans living abroad. Alexandru Bittner v. United States is about some of the tax and compliance rules the U.S. slaps on its...
By Lee Harrison I’ve spoken with lots of potential expats who are trying to choose between Cuenca, Ecuador, and Medellín, Colombia, even though these two cities are actually very different in key ways. But, as I’ve lived in both places (and both are among my favorites in Latin America), I’m frequently asked to compare the...
By Sylvan Hardy They’re coming in from all over the world. That’s what Australian Kendall Barnes says about other recent arrivals to Cuenca. “I’ve met people from Belgium, Israel, China, Russia, Argentina, Portugal, the U.S. and England since I moved here last year,” Barnes says. “Most of them are doing some sort of online work...
By Stephen Vargha In the United States, there has been a long-standing discussion within tourism circles about the value of policing services at popular tourist destinations. Some argue that the local police can handle tourism duties as part of their workload. Others say police with foreign language skills and a special assignment of looking after...
By Diana Hubbell In addition to being an accomplished poet, playwright, and royal spy for King Charles II, Aphra Behn threw a hell of a party. A cultural maverick in 17th-century England, Behn didn’t care much for the norms imposed on the women of her day. She was married just long enough to snatch her...
By the SciTechDaily staff Strengthening your immune system can help reduce your frequency of catching colds, and even reduce their severity. There are tons of supplements marketed as immune boosters, but what does the scientific literature say? Research shows when you haven’t been getting enough sleep or the right nutrition, your immune system can’t function...
By Stephen Vargha Though sushi is synonymous with Japan, it can be found 9,000 miles away in Cuenca. Sushi is bite-sized and rice-based, often involves raw fish, and is accompanied by sliced ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish). It originated as casual food served at food stalls in the Tokugawa era (between 1603 and 1867). Since...
By Martin Simmons As someone who has spent five or six months a year in Cuenca since 2003, I always appreciate the fact that I’m able to see the city with fresh eyes every time I return. For me, it’s like viewing a series of snapshots, taken in chronological order. It also reminds me a...
By Kathleen Peddicord You may be surprised to learn of the two biggest expenses expats often face. Most of us think of rent. Food and entertainment. Taxes maybe. But, in my experience, many expats spend more on two other expenses. These two costs rarely show up in cost summaries for destinations abroad, and they rarely...
If you’re planning a trip to the beach in Ecuador, you’ll have plenty of choices to choose from. Although the beaches of the extraordinary Galapagos Islands are, without doubt, the country’s best, the mainland’s Pacific coast offers a number of excellent beaches that offer characteristics to satisfy the tastes of all travelers. Here’s a short...

Dani News

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of June 23

The Return of the ‘Candidate President’.

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Exports from Ecuador to Mexico grew 181% in April despite embassy impasse.

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Update: Ecuadorian Migration Through Darién Gap Drops by 41% in Early 2024.

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