Health News

By Steve Clark I’m a Genetically Modified Organism. That is the reason I’m alive and writing this essay. Several years ago, I had several serious bumps on my head, which turned out to be active melanoma tumors. My doctors sent me in for scans and they located several additional tumors in my lungs. The prognosis...
By Editors at Sugar does not improve mood and, on the contrary, it can make people less alert and more tired after its consumption, according to a new European study. The research team set out to examine the myth of the “sugar rush,” and attempted to answer the question of whether sugar can really...
By Delthia Ricks In the first published example of how the gut may play a role in autism, scientists have found that a “fecal transplant” helped to substantially improve behavior and gastrointestinal health in children with the neurodevelopmental disorder. The research involved a very small number of children — 18 — with autism who also had severe gastrointestinal...
By Krista Conger Some breast cancers return decades later. Now, researchers at Stanford, joined by collaborators at several other institutions, have subcategorized tumors to predict recurrence, guide treatment decisions and improve drug development. Molecular data obtained from breast cancer cells can be used to predict which patients are at a high risk for recurrence even...
During the last week in April, 2019, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and its partners celebrate the 17th annual Vaccination Week in the Americas with the slogan “Protect your community. Do your part. #GetVax.” “The slogan is a strong call to action to the general public, health care workers, and donors and decision makers...
By Adam Marcus Homeopathy may not cure disease, but it continues to give journal editors fits, particularly at the hands of a group in Russia that has managed to publish a slew of papers on the spurious practice. The architect of the effort appears to be one Oleg Epstein, whose company, OOO NPF Materia Medica...
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), in the U.S. it’s been more than 80 years since Congress last updated the federal law designed to ensure that personal care products are safe. Although other countries have stringent regulations about what goes into that tube or plastic bottle, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t...
By Zoe Nicholson ‘Health at every size’ (HAES) aims to promote self-care through addressing health behaviours, acknowledging and tackling weight stigma, and being inclusive of human diversity in terms of body size, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identification and social status. When people feel better within themselves, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviours...
By Lisa Rapaport Workouts that mix up a variety of intense exercises with brief recovery periods in between may help people lose more weight than chugging along at a steady pace on a treadmill or exercise bike, a research review suggests. Doctors often advise people trying to lose weight to focus on cutting calories and...
By Jodie Fleischer and Rick Yarborough For the first time, the Federal Trade Commission is cracking down on a company for using fake reviews to sell products online. The FTC announced a settlement with a New York-based company, Cure Encapsulations, over accusations it made false claims about a weight loss supplement and paid a third-party website to write...
By Mark Mahoney Much of the advice we hear from the experts on diet and health is often attacked as being flawed or faulty. Critics will denounce expert dietary advice as being based on weak “observational” studies that cannot prove cause and effect (thanks, in part to the food industry). Those types of studies are not...
By Mark Mahoney Much of the advice we hear from the experts on diet and health is often attacked as being flawed or faulty. Critics will denounce expert dietary advice as being based on weak “observational” studies that cannot prove cause and effect (thanks, in part to the food industry). Those types of studies are...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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