According to its latest poll, Atrevia Public Research shows that Daniel Noboa has increased his lead over Luisa González by 1.8% in Ecuador’s presidential race. In a direct vote, Noboa polls 55.14% to González’s 44.86%, a difference of 10.3%. Counting null and undecided responses, Noboa leads 43% to 35.1%. According to Álvaro Marchante, Atrevia director...
By Olivia Rosane The International Monetary Fund continues to impose austerity measures that threaten human rights. That’s the conclusion of a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report published Monday that looks at 39 loans approved in 38 countries between the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdowns in March 2020 and March 2023. While, at the start of...
Although both Daniel Noboa and Luisa González have been campaigning since August 20, the runoff campaign began officially on Sunday, September 24. The designation allows for advertising and other campaign activities not permitted earlier. According to the National Electoral Council (CNE), the campaigns are allowed to spend up to $989,579 for written material, including press...
Viernes, 22/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – ‘Pop Up Day’, feria de iniciativas (Pop Up Day, a fair of initiatives) – The 5th “Pop Up Day” fair will be el 6, 7, & 8/10 in the Pérgola del Hotel Oro Verde with 60 entrepreneurs and brands showing their products and services in gastonomy, jewelry, textiles,...
The National Customs Service has relaxed some of its allowances of what international travelers are allowed to bring into the country tax-free. It is the first major change to the customs product list since 2017. Beginning September 15, travelers arriving in the country by air are allowed five liters of alcoholic beverages instead of the...
By Carly Cassella The key ingredient that underpins many nasal decongestants don’t work as promised when taken orally. Following an evaluation of clinical trial data, a panel of expert advisors for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agrees oral phenylephrine-based (PE) drugs are no better at reducing stuffiness than a placebo. While still...
Omar León, former director of Cuenca’s Turi prison, says it is “an open secret” that management has lost control of prison operations. “In effect, the gangs are in charge there,” he says. León, who was head of the prison for only two months before resigning, is advising Cuenca Mayor Cristian Zamora and the municipal council...
Ecuador’s young people overwhelming supported ending oil extraction in the Yasuní National Park. They also believe that the country’s taxation system should be overhauled to provide more reliable funding sources for education, health care and law enforcement. Although they favor a stronger role by government in providing basic services and employment opportunities, they are wary...
Colombian artist Fernando Botero, who gained worldwide fame with his sculptures and paintings of corpulent figures, has died at the age of 91. His works feature outsized people and animals. But Botero also tackled politics and other serious subjects. President Gustavo Petro called him “the painter of our traditions and defects, the painter of our...
By Stephan Kueffner Ecuador bonds led losses in emerging markets after the frontrunner in next month’s presidential election floated a plan to tap foreign reserves to combat the impact of the El Niño weather pattern. Daniel Noboa, a centrist who is leading in polls, said he wanted to channel about $1.5 billion in foreign reserves...
A month before Ecuador’s runoff election, Daniel Noboa holds a commanding 10% lead over Luisa González, according to the polls. Of the polls sanctioned by the National Electoral Council, Click Report gives Noboa a 55.16% to 44.84% advantage, while Comunicaliza gives Noboa a 54.9% to 45.1% lead. The only poll showing a close race was...
Periodico – jueces, 7/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Since I started sending out posts only 3 times a week (M, W, & F) and picking up news from the off days, I’ve found myself translating on those off days anyway to get a head start for the official posts. So I may as well send out...