Martes, 11/4/2017: Pan Am highway closure, Student parade today, CNE confirms Moreno victory, 10k run, Holy Week events

Apr 12, 2017 | 0 comments

Hola, Todos –

Pagina cultural –

Header event –

Martes del Cine – Tuesday’s Tuesday movie at the Alianza Francesa was “Vandal” at 19:00 in the auditorium (Tadeo Torres y av. Solano).

Articles about –

“Banda sonora” (soundtrack) – Cuenca now has its own soundtrack for the major holidays. Composer Luis Chiriboga Tamayo wrote music that will be used in future films about the most well known fiestas in the region such as the Pase del Niño, Miércoles de Ceniza (Ash Wed.), los Inocentes, and the visit to the 7 Churches. There will be a concert on 22/4 of these works in the Catedral Vieja with 13 musicians from the OAC performing. <As usual, if there’s missing information, it’s because I couldn’t find it in the article. You’re welcome to go to to look for yourself.>

Requiem – The OSC and 3 choruses – the youth chorus at the Conservatorio José María Rodríguez, the UDA student chorus, and the Cuenca International Chorus – will perform Dvorak’s Requiem in the Santo Domingo church. There will be 3 performances during this Holy Week: el martes y miércoles a las 20:00 and el miércoles a las 11:00. The Wed. morning performance is abbreviated for the public that can’t go out at night. <Gringos whose bedtimes are at 9 so they leave in the middle of performances? Or children under 10? Or those of us who, once we get home, are in until the next day?>

Semana cultural – The Municipal Department of Culture has activities lined up for this week, some of which are already over.

The Arte y Corazón (Art and Heart) exposición Tuesday in the Economuseo del Sombrero (Rafael María Arízaga), the coro (chorus) Santa Catalina performed a sacred music program in the Old Cathedral . The Saula Music Academy will perform a sacred music concert, also tonight at 20:00, in the Teatro Sucre.

Wednesday’s activities – the “Ruta de los Museos” will start at 10:00 at the Catedral Vieja, and at 19:00 an exhibit dedicated to the artist Ricardo Montesinos will open at MMAM. There will be a cultural, crafts and gastronomic festival all day at the Casa de Chaguarchimbana.

Thursday – Films about the “Historia del Rock” <as in music and not as in Dwayne Johnson> will show at 19:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad. The featured groups will be The Eagles and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Friday – Religious movies relative to Holy Week will be shown at 19:00 in the Museo de la Ciudad, Teatro Sucre y Catedral Vieja. <Old Charlton Heston movies?>

Saturday – There will be a family oriented program from 10-13:00 in the Museo de las Conceptas for Easter and the Foundation of Cuenca.
Sunday – There will be a day of culture in the Museo de la Ciudad starting at 10:00.

Paralelo Cero – This poetry gathering ends today at 19:00 in the aula (classsroom) Benjamín Carrión at the CCE.

Otras cosas –

Titular – Desfile abre las fiestas abrileñas (April fiestas opens with a parade)

Road closure – The Panamericana Norte will be closed to vehicular traffic for safety reasons between the road into Zhiquir in the Llacao Parish and as far as Challuabamba. Mayor Cabrera has ordered a soils study to decide how to stabilize the slope at km. 12. Your alternate route is the autopista Cuenca-Azogues.

Suspension of Provincial services – Due to the situation of austerity due to the timely transfer of federal funds and a reduced budget, programs such as Bailoterapia, the Ají Radio communications program and free milk will be suspended.

Censura previa (prior censorship) – Complaints were filed by the Obervatorio Ciudadano por una Comunicación de Calidad (Citizen Observatory for Quality Communication) against 4 newspapers and 3 TV stations for failing in their duty to report news that the public should have known about one of the presidential candidates. An Argentine paper published information about Lasso’s holdings which include ties to 49 businesses in tax havens such as Panama, The Caiman Islands and Delaware. The fortunes of Lasso went from 1 million dollars declared, to 31, “thanks to speculation with the bonds issued after the bank holiday.” El Telégrafo did reprint that news. Withholding the news constitutes an act of prior censorship, punishable with a fine of 10 basic salaries. <I think $3,750 is cheap for acting against the public interest and journalistic integrity. Keep in mind I’m not a journalist nor have I ever claimed to be one. I have no integrity to damage by editorializing.>

Vote results – CNE reaffirmed that Moreno won after recounting 296,340 votes nationwide.

Banco de Pichincha – The bank will increase its activities in two countries – Perú and Colombia, through its affiliates, Banco Financiero de Perú and Inversora Pichincha in Colombia. It already operates in the US as Banco Pichincha en Miami and in Spain.

Passports – Starting yesterday, issuance of passports will be done in the offices of the Registro Civil and not the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. <Remember this is an Ecuadorian or Andean passport we’re talking about so it applies to very few of you.>

Traffic jail – EMOV will move the Centro de Detención de Infractores de Tránsito <All cognates, all yours.> from next to the former men’s jail to a new location on av. Enrique Arízaga, also known as the autopista Medio Ejido. The jail will have a capacity of 125 people without overcrowding. It has a “buen numero” (good number) of showers and baths and “una separación absoluta” between the men’s and women’s jails.

Desfile – There will be a student parade Tuesday starting at 10:00 from San Blas and marching to Parque Calderón.

Fanesca – Prices have risen this week for fanesca ingredients, the basic two of which are tender/young grains and dried fish. In different parts of the country, lentils, lima beans and platano are added. You can get a bowl at the mercado 10 de Agosto <probably any of the other markets as well> for $2.50 or get a bowl with an empanada, egg, salad and avocado for $8.00 including IVA at “Sajsana.”

Internacional –

Brazil – Odebrecht caused $1.81 billion in damages to Brazil on 11 government contracts with inflated prices between 2003-2014. The firm was part of a bid rigging cartel with 15 other major contractors doing work for Petrobras.

Deportes –

Circuito Internacional Las Cruces de Cuenca – The 53d edition of this traditional 10k run will be on 7/5 starting from the Plaza Otorongo at 10:00. Register starting on 15/4 at the Círculo Cruz del Vado Club (Calle De La Cruz 13-110 y Bajada del Vado)or Referee (av. De Las Américas 55-99 y Padre Aguirre or Remigio Tamariz y Remigio Romero). Cost: $10.

And that´s all for today so Hasta Mañana –



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