Pressure mounts on health minister to resign; U. of Cuenca considers making vaccines; Residents demand reestablishment of bus route; New cedulas

Jan 28, 2021 | 11 comments

Miércoles, 27/1/2020

Hola, Todos –
Actividades –

De la pagina cultural –

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Actividades sobre la paja toquilla (Activities about straw weaving) – The CCE, INPC and UDA are organizing 3 activities about straw weaving el próxima 29/1. The first is a hat show and sale in the lobby of the Casa de la Cultura. The 2nd is a virtual talk about rethinking straw weaving. The last is a book launch a las 18:30 in the CCE theater. The book is a collection of research about the production of weaving in Azuay, Cañar, and Morona Santiago.

Exposición sobre Misión Geodésica (Exhibition on Geodesic Mission) – The exhibit, “La primera misión Geodésica Francesa y sus observaciones astronómicas en Cuenca y su región” (The first French Geodetic mission and its astronomical observations in Cuenca and its region) is showing at the planetarium until este domingo. Hours are from 10-16:00. As part of the exhibit are 3 talks which can be seen on the Facebook page of the Cuenca Dirección de Cultura. The Geodesic Mission was carried out in the 1730s.

Otras cosas –

The exhibition about the French geodesic mission to Ecuador in the 1730s continues through Sunday at the planetarium at Parque de la Madre. Among the exhibits are images of the murder by a mob of the director of the mission, Jean Senièrgues, in what is today San Sebastian Plaza. Senièrgues was reportedly making a move on a Cuencano’s girl friend.

Titular – Exigen que renuncie (Resignation demanded) – Pressure from various fronts is growing for the ministro de Salud, Juan Carlos Zevallos, to resign. Yesterday, the Asamblea Nacional started a debate to call for his impeachment. The Government ratified its support of Zevallos. El Mercurio tried to get information about which officials are on the list to be vaccinated. Neither the Ministry of Health or the Defensoría del Pueblo responded, not even with the transparency data which should be published monthly in public institutions.

Universidad plantea fabricar las vacunas (University plans to manufacture vaccines) – If certain requirements are met, the Centro de Innovación de la Salud (CIS – Center for Health Innovation) at the U. of Cuenca could produce Covid vaccine. It was foreseen that if a vaccine was developed, there would be problems meeting the world demand. The U. of Cuenca added a space which would cost $25 million, to build the infrastructure to produce vaccines . A cooperation agreement for economic support from the Bridgin foundation has been signed and other issues are being coordinated. Once the CIS has a consensus and approvals, it could start production of vaccines in Cuenca by the end of the year. <Just remember the concept of mañana.>

Insisten retorno de la línea 100 (They insist return of line 100) – La Asociación de Barrios de Ricaurte with 38 barrios is asking the resumption of the 100 line, or a new line if the 100 line can’t be resumed. The line would leave Ricaurte and Baños, feed the Tranvía and then make stops at various destinations such as the UPS, the public hospital, the U of Cuenca, Feria Libre and the estadio.

Toda cédula es válida para sufragar (All cedulas are valid to vote) – The Registro Civil is issuing new electronic cedulas, but this will not be until after the elections and is not a requirement to vote. The old style cedulas are valid, even those that have expired.

Llamas consumen una bodega (Flames consume a bodega) – A fire consumed a furniture warehouse in the Los Cantones sector. Neighbors noticed a conato de incendio (outbreak of fire – your phrase for the day) la noche de lunes and called the fire department which responded, fought the fire, and left. At 3:00 yesterday, the fire reignited and destroyed $100,000 in raw materials and equipment. The owners are blaming firefighters for not removing the debris. The fire department said it used water to control, suffocate, liquidize and then stir up the debris. <And what an ashy sodden mess that would have been.> The second day, the fire department and owner entered with building to verify the damage and the dep’t recommended an inspection by a professional electrician before the owners turned on the breakers.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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