The Stolen Bible: The Foundation of SEMBEC

Jun 21, 2020

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The Beginnings

The history of the Evangelical Biblical Seminary of Cuenca (SEMBEC) dates back to about 1980, when a stolen Bible marked the beginning of a series of events that would lead to the founding of the institution. At that time, owning a Bible was a privilege exclusive to priests, but a daring sacristan dared to read it and, upon finding the truth in its pages, felt the need to share it with others including a widow and her son.

An Evangelist is Born

The son of the widow, inspired by the teachings of the Bible, became an evangelist, traveling to remote regions of Ecuador preaching the gospel under the sun, stars, and protection of tents. But there was never a shortage of people who opposed the Word of God, and they would come with stones and insults to try to stop the teachings that this servant proclaimed.

Love and a New Beginning

Jorge and Lynn Mogrovejo

Fate brought the evangelist together with Lynn, an American teacher, who had come to Cuenca to teach the children of the Hamilton family, pioneer missionaries in the evangelization of southern Ecuador. Love blossomed between them, and they soon married, despite the language barrier. It is said that the evangelist did not speak English, he only had to say yes to everything, so at the altar the signal was the squeeze of the hand to signal the moment for a “YES” answer. So, to this day, that signal remains the pretext for positive answers.

Their union marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the gospel in Ecuador.

The Vision of a Seminary

Theology of the Cross (which every SEMBEC student knows is the foundation of Professor Jorge’s theology) shows us a Christ who understands us in our pain, loneliness, abandonment, and rejection, as well as in love. It was because he, Jorge, experienced similar things.

A rejection was the seed that grew and flourished into a vision that created this seminary. That rejection was experienced with great pain, in a church that was founded by missionary Willy Hamilton and Jorge, which was attacked by false doctrine.

The dominant power of false doctrine that was being introduced to some churches moved Jorge’s heart so much that he was determined that the pure gospel must be taught in the Christian church. God put a vision in his heart. Ecuador needed a place to train leaders and pastors who would be prepared in sound doctrine to be able to work firmly in their ministries without fear of falling into false doctrine.

This vision led Jorge and Lynn to Asbury University and Seminary to study for 7 years in order to fulfill this vision.

The Foundations of SEMBEC

Jorge Mogrovejo and Patricio Orellana

After having studied and prepared themselves during those years, they were ready to apply what they learned. God sent the first four students. Tulio Tene, Patricio Orellana, Lauro Poma, and Roberto Gonzales. In 1998, they were the first graduates.

In the early years of the seminary, there were many very interesting people who came to the doors of SEMBEC. One of those people was a man who had been part of an unofficial military group in Colombia (guerrilla group). The Director almost did not admit him to the seminary, but he trusted in God and now that man is the former pastor of a Christian church.

One day, at the start of a new term of classes, when SEMBEC was located on the Av. Solano, the Director was very worried because no students had arrived and the bell had already rung. Full of despair and not knowing what to do. Determined, he said to himself, “I’m going to invite the people on the street who are passing by to study!” Having said this, he went down the stairs and went out to the street. Just then a man passed by and asked about the seminary sign. The Director started a conversation with him about God and about the classes. After much talking, he asked the man, “Do you attend a church?” To which he replied, “Yes.” He eventually became a student.

Their hearts and longing to implement the vision never waned, no matter how many students arrived, they did not give up. Rather, the Holy Spirit convinced them that they had done their best. Now it would be God who would take care of doing what is impossible.

In October 2007, a plot of land was purchased to finally build SEMBEC’s own building. A place where the rent could not be raised, where the secretary’s office did not have to be in a laundry room, and where students could feel at home.

In April 2009, that place began to take shape. First the foundations, then the walls, and finally, the roof. Many people who have passed through these classrooms have identified with SEMBEC.

There were people, who in their own way, were building the foundations. Jorge and Lynn Mogrovejo, Jaime and Susana Smith, Leopoldo Oyola, Luis Vacacela, Willy Hamilton, and many more.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

For more informaton about SEMBEC, visit their website at

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