
Local and national officials surveyed flood damage Friday in Azuay and Cañar Provinces but said major repairs cannot begin until the rain stops. “We have reopened one lane of the Pan American highway in three locations, near Azogues and Santa Isabel, but this is restricted to light vehicles,” Undersecretary of Transportation Luis Barsallo said. “We...
By Sophia Epstein “It’s time for Americans to get back to work and fill our great downtowns again,” President Joe Biden said earlier this year. He’s not the only political leader calling for workers to head back to the office. “Mother Nature does not like working from home,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced late last...
Heavy rains continued to wreak havoc on areas near Cuenca Wednesday and Thursday, washing out highways and bridges, flooding farmland and destroying homes. National Risk Management officials were in Azogues and other parts of Cañar Province Thursday, assessing damage from the overflow of the Rio Burgay. The flooding destroyed several bridges and two sections of...
Jueves, 21/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Margarita Laso “Vuelve al Sur” (Margarita Laso “Back to the South”) – As part of the foundation of Cuenca festivities, the “Vuelve al Sur” concert with singer Margarita Laso, marimba player Pablo Valarezo, and the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will be at the Teatro Pumapungo Friday a las...
By Stephen Vargha Cuenca artist Boris Ordoñez showed a tour group his huge chess pieces at the entrance to his gallery, OFF Arte Contemporáneo. “It is like a chess game where the kingdoms are represented by the young and old,” said Ordoñez. “Young artists are represented by the pawn. They want to be the king...
By Karla Pesantes Trying to prevent drug traffickers from hiding cocaine in cargo containers at Ecuador’s main port of Guayaquil is becoming an increasingly expensive headache for police and exporters alike. The ingenuity of criminal gangs means tons of cocaine leave the port hidden in food containers. Surrounded by a poor neighborhood, the Guayaquil port...
National Assembly President Guadalupe Llori survived the latest attempt to remove her from office Monday as her opponents failed by three votes of gaining control of the Assembly. The vote, which required 92 of the Assembly’s 137 members, would have established a multi-party commission to investigate Llori and replace her. Following the vote, Marcela Holguín...
Miércoles, 20/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nueva comedia trae la “Marujita” (“Marujita” brings a new comedy) – Juana Guarderas, better known as “Marujita,” will bring her new show, “Lecciones para rudos en tiempos pandemicos” (Lessons for rude guys in pandemic times) mañana y viernes. The show has teacher Carlota telling entertaining and absurd stories...
By Michael Eisenstein Katalin Karikó never intended to make vaccines. For years before the pandemic, the Hungarian-American biochemist had been working to realize the therapeutic potential of mRNA — first trying to create a synthetic version of the messenger molecule that wouldn’t trigger the body’s inflammatory response, and then, once she and colleague Drew Weissman...
By Lauren Covino-Smith Before our family relocated to Barcelona to start our expat life, I would listen in awe to my husband share stories of other expat families. At the time, Tony worked in the Global Mobility industry and was responsible for coordinating the logistics of moving employees and their families overseas.  How could they...
Health Minister Ximena Garzón said Tuesday that the outdoor masking requirement will be eliminated in two weeks if there is no increase in the number of Covid-19 cases reported. “The number of new cases has remained constant or declined in recent weeks, with positive test results running at 5 percent or less,” she said. “In...
Martes, 19/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – See article in Region for activities in Chordeleg, Oña y Sígsig. Titular – Más estafas financieras (More financial scams) – After the Big Money scam was exposed <and Don Naza avoided jail time by getting himself killed>, the “Grupo Renacer” emerged. That pyramid scheme was headed by “Don...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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