
More than 250,000 Cuencanos, about a third of the city’s population, were without drinking water at midday Monday and officials say service may not be fully restored until midnight at the earliest. The public utility ETAPA said the shutoff was due to contamination suffered in Sunday’s landslides on the west side of the city. It...
Emergency personnel worked through the night Sunday looking for survivors of a mudslide that destroyed homes and blocked roads in Marianza, in the hills above Sayausí. At least four people were reported killed. The mudslide and flooding followed intense rains that overflowed the Rio Tomebamba and creeks flowing into the river. Several roads and the...
A powerful 6.0 earthquake rocked Esmeraldas and the north coast late Saturday night, collapsing several structures and damaging others. The 11:28 p.m. quake was followed by several strong aftershocks, one of 5.1 magnitude. Electricity service was disrupted in many neighborhoods and, as a precaution, the National Electricity Corporation temporarily cut power to the region. Following...
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could mark a troubling shift: the end of a relatively peaceful global era. Though it has not always felt like it, the world has since the 1990s endured less war than any other period in recorded history. Wars and resulting deaths plummeted with the conclusion of the Cold War in 1991...
Following a day of meetings at Carondelet Palace, there was no indication of President Guillermo Lasso’s next move following the defeat of his investment law in the National Assembly. Early Friday, the presidential press office said Lasso would issue a statement Friday night but none was released. Asked during a break in the talks if...
By Sarah Durn In Ecuador, people spin tales of the one-legged protector of the Andes, La Patasola, a beautiful woman who leads unsuspecting men to their doom for damaging the environment. In Mexico, there is La Llorona, a grieving specter ready to steal your children out of grief at losing her own. In the mountains...
There is a new and particularly notable opponent to the Brazilian government’s plans to allow mining on indigenous lands — the mining industry itself. Proposed rules backed by President Jair Bolsonaro are considered too lax by large miners. In a statement Tuesday, iron ore giant ​Vale SA called for free, prior and informed consent by...
Despite losing 3-1 to Paraguay Thursday night in Ciudad del Este, the Tricolor are headed to the World Cup for the fourth time in the country’s history. Although it appeared likely the team was going to Qatar before yesterday’s games, it became certain following Uruguay’s 1-0 victory over Peru in Montevideo. Ecuador and Uruguay both...
President Guillermo Lasso was dealt a stern rebuke Thursday as the National Assembly voted down his Law of Investment. The legislation, intended to attract foreign investment, was a cornerstone of his plan to revitalize the economy and increase employment. Opponents claimed the law would have been a “giveaway” to international corporations and would have resulted...
Jueves, 24/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Alfarería y cerámica en el CIDAP (Pottery and ceramics at CIDAP) – The ARDIS event will be from 4-11/4 in CIDAP, and this edition will focus on pottery and ceramics. There will be different activities including workshops and conferences for artisans and commercial fairs for the public. Part...
Machu Picchu was brought to the world’s attention, when in 1911 the American historian and explorer Hiram Bingham travelled to the region looking for the old Inca capital. What Hiram encountered was a 15th century Inca estate, situated high up on a mountain ridge above the Sacred Valley in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru....
In a series of nationwide protests Wednesday, labor unions demanded that the National Assembly defeat President Guillermo Lasso’s investment law, claiming it would lead to the privatization of government functions. The protest marches in Quito, Cuenca and Guayaquil were peaceful, with turnout lower than union and police predictions. In Quito, barricades were erected along the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

Fund Grace News

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