
A suspect who fled to Cuenca after he was arrested for sexual assault in the U.S. state of  Colorado in 2016 was extradited back to the U.S. by the FBI last week. Although Peter Robert Dettmer was arrested in April, legal challenges by his lawyers and negotiations between Ecuadorian and U.S. law enforcement officials delayed...
Although no cases of the new Omicron Covid-19 variant have been found in Ecuador, Health Minister Ximena Garzón, says the country is prepared if it arrives. “We are currently sequencing positive test results that appear suspicious, especially of people who have recently returned from countries where Omicron has been detected.” Unlike countries in Europe and...
Martes, 30/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Lluvias inundan la ruta tranviaria (Rains flood the tram route) – The heavy rain Monday afternoon caused flooding in different zones such as Feria Libre, Camino del Tejar, av. Ordóñez Lasso, San Miguel de Putushi, Sayausí, the U. of Azuay and others. The tranvía was...
By Jessica Brown The number of people cutting down on meat and dairy, or cutting these foods from their diets entirely, has been rising over the last decade. The number of vegans in the UK, for example, quadrupled between 2006 and 2018, according to research by The Vegan Society. One common motivation for shunning steak...
By Ryan C. Berg and Margarita R. Seminario Ecuador is experiencing a rapid rise in homicide rates. A failure to stem, and eventually reverse, insecurity could undermine the popularity of Ecuador’s new government, which is staunchly pro-U.S. and continues to repair Ecuador’s democracy after the autocratic rule of long-time President Rafael Correa vitiated institutions and...
President Guillermo Lasso imposed new health restrictions Monday night as a precaution against the new Covid-19 Omicron variant. Omicron was first identified in South Africa two weeks ago but health experts say it has probably been circulating since early October. The new rules take effect Wednesday, December 1. Among measures announced by the president are...
President Guillermo Lasso’s Economic Development Act, which raises taxes on companies and some wage earners, will go into effect without passage by the National Assembly. Due to its classification as “urgent legislation,” the law entered into the Official Registry on Monday after the opposition was unable to muster the 70 votes required to reject it....
Lunes, 29/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Emprendedores exhiben sus productos en feria (Entrepreneurs showcase their products at fair) – Entrepreneurs from Azuay and Cañar, who won Misión Ecuador scholarships, are showing their products at a fair on the grounds of the Oro Verde Hotel, Cuenca. The exhibits are products in foods, footwear, textiles, technology,...
The South African doctor who first sounded the alarm on the Omicron variant of the coronavirus said that its symptoms are “unusual but mild” in healthy patients — but she’s worried the strain could cause complications in the elderly and unvaccinated. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a practicing doctor for 30 years who chairs the South African...
A 7.5 magnitude earthquake in the Peruvian Amazon early Sunday morning damaged buildings in Zamora and Loja in southern Ecuador and was felt throughout much of the country, including Cuenca.  It was the fifth strongest earthquake worldwide in 2021. The 5:52 a.m. quake was was centered in a sparsely populated area near Condorcanqui in northern...
By Leita Hulmes Hi, this is Leita again, a volunteer with Hearts of Gold. I told you back in September about Hearts of Gold’s “All Children Deserve to Dream” program.  So why is Tuesday the BIG DAY?  Global Giving sponsors Giving Tuesday – and that is Tuesday, November 30. Any donation (up to $2500) made...
Although Ecuador health officials are keeping a close watch on a new Covid-19 variant in South Africa, they say they still expect to reduce pandemic restrictions by the end of December. The national Emergency Operations Committee plans several meetings to evaluate pandemic conditions in the country and will issue its recommendations afterward. Countries of the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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