
Beginning next week, the Ministry of Health will begin a nationwide testing program to determine how much of the population has been infected with the Covid-19 virus. Anti-body tests will be performed in all provinces and municipalities and could help determine how much of the population needs vaccines. “We have seen estimates that 50 percent...
Martes, 8/6/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. – Otras cosas – Titular – Vuelve la vida a las aulas (Life comes back to the classrooms) – With happiness among the students and scepticism among the parents, children returned to classes after 15 months of virtual classes. Private schools such as Santa Ana and el...
By Ethan Siegal At the very end of 2019, a new disease began to emerge in humans: COVID-19. Originally described as a set of pneumonia-like symptoms with a hitherto unseen cause, a set of alarming facts soon came to light. A novel virus — now known to be SARS-CoV-2 — had begun infecting humans, with...
President Guillermo Lasso will undergo a spinal cord operation in the U.S. later this month. According to his office, he will fly to Cleveland, Ohio for the procedure on June 21. The surgery is the third attempt to repair damage caused by misplaced epidural anesthesia needle following a 2013 fall in Spain. In the accident,...
Lunes, 6/7/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la paginas culturales anteriores – From viernes, 4/6/2021 – Conciertos con público en la Fiesta de la Música (Concerts with an audience at the Music Festival) – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca will hold the 25th edition of the Fiesta de Música with audiences. The decision was...
By Megan McArdle People who believe the coronavirus was manufactured in a lab haven’t been allowed to say so on Facebook since February — until last week, that is, when Facebook announced it was lifting the ban. Presumably this has something to do with the wavering elite consensus on lab leaks. This consensus was never...
With about 96 percent of votes counted, left-wing candidate Pedro Castillo has extended his lead over Keiko Fujimori in Peru’s presidential election. Fujimori, who held the lead until Monday morning when returns from rural precincts turned the tide, is claiming that vote-counting in some regions of the country was “irregular and fraudulent.” At 11 p.m....
Two Quito doctors are urging the government to update its Covid-19 death count based on the number of excess deaths recorded in Ecuador in 2020 and 2021. They claim the Ministry of Health’s 15,400 confirmed virus death total should be increased to 30,000 to 35,000. “Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been about...
The early official results from Peru’s presidential elections gave a small lead to right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, but the election was too close to call as of early Monday. Peruvian electoral authority ONPE said so far it had counted 42% of the vote. Of those, Fujimori was the preferred candidate for 52.9% of voters, while...
By Jon Sanders If you’re among those of us who aren’t tribally invested in Covid politics but would like good information about when life will resume as normal, chances are you’re interested in herd immunity. You’re likely not interested in having to rely on the Internet Archive for good information on herd immunity. Alas, it’s...
By Jean Mackenzie For nearly three weeks Belgium’s leading virologist has been living in a safehouse with his wife and 12-year-old son, guarded by security agents. While scientists across the world have come under attack throughout the pandemic, the threat to Prof Marc Van Ranst is more serious than most. Because of his public visibility...
Although the government does not keep records on the number of Ecuadorians traveling to the U.S., travel industry officials say the number is up at least 150 percent since early in the year. The majority of the additional travel, they say, is for the purpose of getting a Covid-19 vaccine. “Flights to Miami and New...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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