
The Contentious Electoral Tribunal rejected the appeal of the February 7 election by Yaku Pérez and his Pachakutik movement. The Sunday decision confirms an earlier denial by the National Electoral Council’s to recount 27,000 polling stations and guarantees that Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso will meet in the April 11 presidential runoff. The TCE said...
A judge has ordered the elimination of flaring by the oil industry to burn off natural gas in the Ecuadorian Amazon, particularly in the provinces of Sucumbíos and Orellana. The ruling comes in response to a suit by residents near oil production facilities who claim that the practice has caused cancer and other illnesses in...
Drugmaker Pfizer employed “high-level bullying” against at least two Latin American countries during negotiations to acquire vaccines according to a recent investigation, including requesting the nations put sovereign assets as collateral for payments. In other cases, Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies have reduced shipments and delayed promised vaccine deliveries in the region. The Bureau of...
On Thursday afternoon, transportation officials announced that the highway connecting Cuenca and Guayaquil through the Cajas Mountains was closed until further notice. “The landslides have been unrelenting and we are simply unable to keep the road open for sustained periods of time,” said Jorge Castro, an engineer with the regional mobility office. “We hope to...
Jueves, 11/3/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – More nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Pruebas PCR al alcance de pocos (PCR tests within the reach of few) – Getting a PCR Covid test from the public sector is difficult for patients who think they might have Covid. The public hospitals are reserving the tests for...
It was a morning without sunlight Thursday in Riobamba and other communities in Ecuador’s central inter-valley region as new explosions from the Sangay volcano sent ash clouds more than five miles into the atmosphere. Even at noon, a local radio station reported that “only a fraction of the normal daylight” was passing through the ash...
By Sylvan Hardy According to election analysts, there are two scenarios for the April 11 presidential runoff election. The first, promoted by most of the news media and election officials, is that Yaku Pérez’s challenge of the February 7 vote count will be thrown out by the Electoral Contentious Tribunal and that voters will choose...
By Stephen Vargha Augusto José Carrión has come home, so to speak. “I was here for two seasons, in 1978 to 1980,” the new consuctor of the Cuenca Symphony Orchestra said of his appointment. Carrión was a viola player for the symphony four decades ago, and his musical journey brought him back to Cuenca last...
Miércoles, 10/3/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Docentes con nuevo escalafón (Teachers with new ranks) – After 2 years of discussion, the Asamblea Nacional approved a reform to the Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural which established a new escalafón (promotion ladder/ salary scale – our word for the day)...
By Chris Smith For so many survivors, COVID-19 doesn’t end when the immune system eliminates the novel coronavirus from the body. The illness often turns into what’s often referred to as “Long COVID.” Millions of people can experience various symptoms once COVID-19 passes, symptoms that are tied to the original infection. Doctors still can’t explain...
Despite being tear-gassed near the presidential palace on Tuesday, Ecuador’s mayors insist they will not leave Quito until the government explains how and when it will pay its debt to the municipalities. The mayors claim that cities are owed more than a billion dollars and that President Lenin Moreno refuses to discuss a payment plan....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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