
The town of El Troje, 12 kilometers from Colta in Chimborazo Province, is under total lockdown following the Covid-19 deaths of four of its 462 residents in a single day. No one is allowed in or out of the town which also reports 14 others seriously ill with the virus. According to the Ministry of...
The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, the crown jewel of Peru’s tourist sites, closed its doors Monday for an indefinite period for security reasons amid protests by locals over train services, officials said. “Due to the announced stoppages in the Machu Picchu district and in order to safeguard the integrity of its visitors, the citadel...
Lunes, 14/12/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Hoy, parcial observación del eclipse (Today, partial observation of the eclipse) – There was a solar eclipse Monday desde las 9:30 a las 10:30 which was most visible from the central and south of Ecuador. 8 Latin American countries could see it, but...
By Robert Bradley and David Morrill Editor’s note: Pandemic Profiles is an ongoing series that looks at how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting the lives of Cuencanos and Cuenca expats. The story Eduardo Gonzalez tells is this; “I was strung out, overfed on processed foods, drank like I was on fire and smoked like I...
Ecuador registered 1,049 murders through the first 10 months of 2020, the highest count since 2014 according to National Police. October was the year’s deadliest month with 134 murders. Cities with the greatest increase in homicides were Naranjal with 150%; Duran, 125%; Machala, 52%; Manta, 50%; Puebloviejo, 44%; and Guayaquil, 22%. Of all the country’s...
By John Keeble A seven-course vegan feast, with seven paired vegan wines, limped with enchanting deliciousness through my mouth. It was a truly stunning experience. Almost unbelievable for me, someone who had turned his face against wine tours in the past and who would have doubted such culinary skill and creativity. This invitation to visit...
By Andreas Kluth Dear Janet Yellen: Congratulations! You’re probably the next Treasury secretary of the U.S. That’ll throw you into daunting policy cauldrons — from financing America’s massive deficits to managing China and taming the tax code. With so much in your inbox, we urge you not to forget about one large group of Americans:...
Elders of the Huaorani indigenous group in Ecuador’s northeastern Amazon have filed a lawsuit against Chinese-owned oil company PetroOriental, saying its operations have contributed to climate change and affected that community’s way of life. It marks the first time a so-called protective action lawsuit has been filed that draws a direct link between the activities...
Minister of Defense Oswaldo Jarrín says he sees no need to change Ecuador’s civilian gun ownership law. His comments came in response to a proposal by former Guayaquil mayor Jaime Nebot that firearms rules should be relaxed as a means of fighting crime. “I think it would be a terrible idea to have more guns...
Jueves, 10/12/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural y educación – Desacuerdos por retorno de docentes (Disagreements over return of teachers) – Fear of catching Covid in the transfer to schools has some teachers opposing the enero, 2021 return to classes. Added to that is a lack of supplies such a alcohol,...
By Melissa Breyer From cute as a kitten to fierce as a dragon, Ecuador’s vast array of caterpillars prove there’s no limit to bizarre when Mother Nature is driving. Caterpillars are a wonder. The ever-so-curious larvae of butterflies and moths garner much more affection than other insect larvae, and there is little denying that they...
By Christopher Lux I was already teaching when I moved Ecuador. I teach online, and I had the work set up before I moved from the U.S. In terms of money and flexibility, I feel like this is a good way for me to “teach in Ecuador.” There are a lot of people like me...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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