Political parties agree to Covid campaign rules; Cops to give mini-driving tests during holidays; IESS chief urges restructuring; Space for nursing moms

Dec 15, 2020 | 3 comments

Lunes, 14/12/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
Del cuerpo del periodico –

Hoy, parcial observación del eclipse (Today, partial observation of the eclipse) – There was a solar eclipse Monday desde las 9:30 a las 10:30 which was most visible from the central and south of Ecuador. 8 Latin American countries could see it, but only Chile and Argentina could see the total eclipse. <I know it’s over, and I slept through it, but did anyone see it?>

Otras cosas –

Titular – “Coyote”, campeón (“Coyote”, champion) – Miguel “Coyote” Cordovéz from Latacunga was declared the national champion of the MX1 A (450cc) motocross competition in Challuabamba.

Carolina es perseverante, dice su madre (Carolina is persevering, says her mother) – Imelda Larrea commented that her daughter, who started the GelWear companhy which makes ecofriendly diapers, is persevering and is dedicated to all her activities. Carolina Serrano is competing for a $1 million Hult prize. Her mother is sure she will win.

Agricultural fairs have been reactivated in Azuay Province but many vendors are struggling. (El Mercurio)

Implementar lactarios propone ordenanza (Ordinance proposes implementing lactarios) – In a few days, the Comisión de Salud del Concejo Cantonal (Cantonal Council Commission on Health) will present a proposal to the mayor to implement spaces for lactating mothers in different public institutions. The lactarios will be a historic project, and can be fixed or temporary depending on the needs of the working mothers. <Sounds like it would be nicer than sitting on a toilet to nurse your baby.>

Pacto político ante la Covid-19 (Political pact against Covid-19) – The CNE has signed a pact with 15 political parties and movements and 3 political alliances of Azuay who are participating in the 2021 general elections. The objective is to prioritize motor caravans, virtual events, and other activities that will reduce the risk of spreading Covid. Normally, campaigns hold marches, concerts and other events with concentraciónes masivas (massive concentations – your phrase for the day) of people. The political organizations also agreed to “aceptar los resultados electorales en Azuay, “demonstrando madurez política y compromiso con la democracia.” (“accept the electoral results in Azuay,” demonstrating political maturity and commitment to democracy). <This sounds like a direct reaction to the election mess in the US.> The pact was signed this morning and will be put onto the Facebook Live platform of the CNE de Azuay.

Agroproductores con altas y bajas (Agro-producers with ups and downs) – <This is your slice of life article to see how some other Azuayans live.> The reactivation of agricultural fairs is proceeding gradually in Azuay. Over 600 vendors from other cantons come to Cuenca which has 5 large fairs. The Saturday fairs were suspended when the lockdown started in marzo, and reactivated in junio. In the 6 months since the reactivation, vendors have seen sales go up and down. Many get up at 2 or 3 am to get into Cuenca so they can get to their stalls and open at 6:00. One 56 year old woman from Ludo parrish in Sígsig, gets up at 3:00 to catch the first bus which will take her to the Cadecem feria. She pays a $1.75 fare plus $.50 for her container of homegrown vegetables. She said that some weeks she doesn’t sell anything and other days $5.00 or maximum $10.00. She keeps going to the fairs and hoping the curent week will have good sales. A fruit grower from Bulán in Paute goes to the feria at Empresa Eléctrica. He had big losses because the lockdown started at harvest time. He had to take his apples and peaches to composting plants to make fertilizer since there were no places to sell them.

Funcionamiento de ferias (Fair operation) – The MAG (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia) coordinates 32 agricultural fairs in 12 of the 15 cantons of Azuay with the municipal and parish governments.. The largest fairs are at Cadecem, behind the Diario El Tiempo building and at Miraflores. The provincial GAD (Gobierno Autonomo Descentralizado – or something like that.) operates 2 large fairs through the “Agrokawsay” company. They are at the work patio at Empresa Eléctrica and at a property in the ciudadela Kennedy. <Yes, that Kennedy, the president.>

Control del trafico la Navidad y el Año Nuevo (Traffic control Christmas and New Years*) – There will be increased police presence during the holidays to control traffic and prevent accidents. Along with checking licenses, matriculas, and looking for drunk drivers; traffic cops will have a new tool. They will have mini-driving license tests to give to drivers who are stopped. The test will have 5 random questions with multiple choice answers, and the driver must answer at least 4 correctly. If a driver fails, his license is suspended until he or she goes to an ANT office and takes and passes a full written driving test. If the driver is stopped for violations such as speeding or driving drunk, the penalties and fines for those supercede those for the test. The suspension for flunking the test is reversible as soon as you pass the full test, but will not reverse any suspension for driving violations. <I bet you won’t get a pass if you haul out the “No hablo español” card. How did you pass the test for the first time? Pay someone to take it for you?.>

Urge reforma estructural del IESS: Wated (Structural reform of the IESS is urgent: Wated) – Jorge Wated, president of the board of directors of IESS said that the current model for IESS is unsustainable. It needs a structural reform, and needs to put aside political speech to protect the most important institution in the country. Wated was interviewed and said the objective was to make everything transparent so that areas needing correction can be identified. Pres. Moreno’s guidelines were to care for social security, prioritizing the most vulnerable sectors and developing elements that would allow a deep restructuring of IESS to guaranty its sustainability and financing in the medium and long term. <Do you think they’ll reconsider charging gringos according to their real incomes rather than the minimum income?>

Aprobado informe para segundo debate de proyecto anticorrupción (Report approved for second debate on anti-corruption project) – The Comisión de justicia unanimously approved the report for the 2nd debate on the Proyecto de Reforma Penal en Materia Anticorrupción (Criminal Reform Project on Anti-Corruption Matters). The document unifies 7 projects on the theme, gathering 202 observations from assembleistas, academics and authorities. It will go to the full Assembly this week. Passage of the anti-corruption legislation is a requirement by the IMF for future loans to Ecuador.

Descuentos y compras –

Colineal, Plaza de las Américas – for every $25 in purchases between 1/11 & 31/12, receive a ticket for a drawing for a BR, DR, and LR set – drawing on 8/1/2021. <With the local return policies it would be ironic if you bought new furniture for the whole house and then won the raffle.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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