
Cuenca’s municipal government is appealing to local expats to support its Municipal Food Bank project to feed the area’s poor. To date, the project has delivered thousands of food kits as well as medicine and other critically needed supplies to poor families and individuals. The project is coordinated by the municipality’s Office of International Relations...
Optimism that the spread of the Covid-19 virus was slowing in Ecuador was dashed Tuesday as the country recorded its highest single-day infection rate yet. The count of 336 followed those of 89 and 42 on Sunday and Monday. Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos offered no explanation for the spike at his news conference but...
Martes, 31/3/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Independent bands – The “Mutees” app allows a music fan to buy a physical object from an artist or band. <Already, I’m not understanding this app.> The object seems to be some sort of souvenir related to a song or CD and comes...
Ecuador officials said Tuesday they are speeding up the collection of corpses in Guayaquil as delays related to the coronavirus epidemic have left families keeping their loved ones’ bodies in their homes for days. In some cases, bodies have been moved to sidewalks and in others neighbors burn tires in the street to mask the...
I hesitated to write this column because so many people are suffering and dying from the coronavirus. And it didn’t seem right to place blame on someone with that as the backdrop. But it’s time for someone to yell and say, “Hey! Get your heads out of your asses and see this man for who...
For the second consecutive day, the number of new Covid-19 cases in Ecuador was down sharply. Monday’s count of 42 followed Sunday’s of 89, well below the previous week’s daily average of almost 200. The Ministry of Health also reported that the number of deaths from the virus has risen to 62. In a morning...
Lunes, 30/3/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Librerías (bookstores) – Bookstores are finding alternatives so people can continue to read. Angi Tapia, owner of “Used Books” bookstore, has reserved los miércoles for taking orders via social networks for books. LibriMundi Cuenca is using technology and social networks; and it organized...
By Jocelyn Timperley As the coronavirus pandemic continued to escalate around the world, a more localized emergency has unfolded in the Ecuadorian Amazon. After a day and a night of extreme rainfall at its headwaters, the Bobonaza River, which passes through a mosaic of indigenous towns and villages near Ecuador’s border with Peru, was rising...
Medical experts are cautiously optimistic that Ecuador’s restriction on personal movement is slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Sunday’s new case total of 89 was the lowest since March 18, following Saturday’s count of 208. “It is far too early to establish a trend — and Sunday’s 89 cases may be an outlier — but...
As they brace for large numbers of Covid-19 patients, Cuenca medical officials worry about their capacity to provide care. “We are limited in our personnel and we are limited in supplies,” says local health ministry coordinator Julio Molina. “We hope that the epidemic cases remain low but this is probably not realistic. We must prepare...
The owner of an animal rescue center and zoo in Tarqui is appealing to the public to help feed his animals. Alberto Vele says the coronavirus crisis has dealt his Yurak Allpa refuge a double shock and he is struggling to keep his 400 animals fed. “I depend on the public for contributions but because...
On March 16, the day Ecuador’s Covid-19 virus case count reached 58, President Lenin Moreno declared a national health emergency, or emergencia sanitaria, and imposed Latin America’s toughest social distancing rules. Since the 60-day emergency decree was issued, the number of confirmed cases in Ecuador has soared to 1,835 and could approach 2,000 when Sunday’s...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Puerto Cayo Property News

Fund Grace News