
By Nell Greenfieldboyce The world and the United States is facing a grim dilemma: either effectively shut down society for months to prevent transmission of the coronavirus, or see health care systems overwhelmed by people needing treatment for severe infections. That’s the conclusion of a influential new analysis by a well-respected group at Imperial College...
Following the second day of Ecuador’s national health emergency lockdown, Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner says the government is generally pleased with compliance. “People understand the seriousness of the situation and most are sheltering in place as ordered,” he said Wednesday afternoon. A new focus of attention for Sonnenholzner and Ministry of Health officials is the...
Miércoles, 18/3/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Free books – The Spanish publisher Anagrama has added to the campaign, “#YoMe QuedoEnCasaLeyendo” (I stay at home reading) by making 5 ebooks available for free. <Of course, they’re in Spanish. So you can make good use of staying at home to study...
By Brenda Langdon Since I wrote about pandemic preparedness measures 11 days ago, the world’s cases of the Covid-19 virus have more than doubled from 100,000 to 232,616 (as of 1:30 p.m. March 18). This, unfortunately, is not a drill and we are collectively experiencing the world’s greatest health crisis of modern times. In turn,...
Ecuador’s Ministry of Health reports 37 new cases of the coronavirus but admits the results may be skewed by a lack of testing. According to the Office of of Risk Management, only 668 tests have been administered since testing began four weeks ago. The Wednesday count rose to 157 from Tuesday’s 113. Guayas Province, home...
Officials are expressing satisfaction at the public response to the first day of restrictions on personal movement in Ecuador. “We knew there would be problems on day one but we were generally pleased with compliance,” said Ecuador Interior Minister María Paula Romo on Tuesday. “From what we learned, we are refining our message to the...
By Jennifer Hansler As nations around the world shut their borders in an effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of American travelers have found themselves stranded. In Peru, where President Martin Vizcarra issued a 15-day nationwide state of emergency and border closure Sunday, U.S. travelers say hundreds are stuck in the country without a...
Martes, 17/3/2020 Hola, Todos – Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Biblioteca Digital – UNESCO has opened up it’s digital library to the public. <You’re on your own as to how to get into it.> CIDAP – CIDAP has suspended its activities temporarily. Their on-line service to consult the Centro...
The number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Ecuador has risen to 113, the National Risk Management Service reported Tuesday morning. The number is up from 58 on Monday and 37 on Sunday. In Cuenca, confirmed cases rose to seven from one on Monday. The Ministry of Health reports that there are a total...
By Emily Buder When the Italian media began reporting on the increased community spread of the novel coronavirus across the country, Olmo Parenti, like many Italian citizens, didn’t take the threat of the pandemic too seriously. “My friends and I were almost mocking the few people who believed the issue was serious from the get-go,”...
Hours before Ecuador’s coronavirus lockdown was scheduled to begin, President Lenín Moreno announced new restrictions on travel and personal movement, including the suspension of interprovincial bus and national air service, a nationwide nighttime curfew and rules for use of private motor vehicles. In addition, Moreno said that all but the most essential government services would...
Lunes, 16/3/2020 Hola, Todos – I’d like to not translate anything coronavirus related, but then there’d be almost no articles left. Except sports, and I’m not going there. De la pagina cultural – Muestra – “Costearte” will be showing at the centro cultural “Saladentro” (Paseo 3 de Noviembre diagonal to the Todos Santos bridge) through...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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