Tourism is hard-hit by Covid-19, Old gringo arrested for threats and drugs, Chordeleg jewelry stores close, Local closures due to virus
Lunes, 16/3/2020
Hola, Todos –
I’d like to not translate anything coronavirus related, but then there’d be almost no articles left. Except sports, and I’m not going there.
De la pagina cultural –
Muestra – “Costearte” will be showing at the centro cultural “Saladentro” (Paseo 3 de Noviembre diagonal to the Todos Santos bridge) through the end of the month with hours from 9:30 – 19:00, M-F, and 10:00 – 13:00 los sábados. Works from 20 local artists working in different media <medias?> will be showing. Costs of the works are accessible. <That’s assuming that going there doesn’t violate the lock down.>
Streaming – “La Teatroteca” was created by the Centro de Documentación, part of the Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte de España and offers 1,500 free theatrical works from the whole world. To see them go to their web page, create an account, and watch for free. <Something to do while you’re restricted to staying home.>
Otras cosas –
Titular – El coronavirus golpea al máximo al turismo (Coronavirus hits tourism hardest) – The tourist industry in Ecuador is asking for help from the Gobierno and the banks so that they can keep their doors open and not lay off employees. Hotel capacity was reduced by 20% and it is hoped that occupation rates can reach 10%. With the closure of the borders, the purchase of travel tickets was reduced by 60%. The president of the Cámaras de Turismo del Ecuador asked for a bank moratorium, both private and public, and a postponement of payments to the IESS and SRI.
COVID-19 responses in Azuay – Cantons in Azuay are taking measures and one of the most drastic is the decision of Chordeleg to close jewelry stores for 8 days. Of the more or less 150 jewelry stores, only 4 broke ranks and opened. Other cantons are following national measures. Gualaceo is looking at a moratorium on bank loans considering loss of income especially in tourism.
COVID-19 responses in Cuenca – As of today, responses to the virus in Cuenca include suspension of classes, restrictions on buses to carry only seated passengers (no standing) <That’ll be easier to do without all the school kids and their backpacks cluttering the aisles.>, and making telecommuting easier. Controls started yesterday to tell citizens to avoid aglomeraciones (crowds – your word for the day) in churches and public spaces. During the week, there will be fumigations of the Terminal Terrestre and mercados. The one patient in Cuenca is isolated in a rural area. There are 7 labs enabled to analyze coronavirus – Santa Inés, Bioncogen, GM, lebac Cytolab, Citogénetica, y Biomolecular. Health centers and the Vicente Corral Moscoso are set up to receive patients with flu symptoms.
For the Municipio, offices will be open, but the mayor asked that people only go if its absolutely necessary. If you’re making payments, the cashiers will be open, but please observe social distancing in the lines. Centrosur (electric company) is not cutting off service for non-paying so that ratepayers don’t have to stand in crowded lines to make payments. Private companies are making their own decisions about closing. Businesses at the mercados except for food and prepared foods vendors will be closed. The Parque Nacional Cajas, cultural centers and museums will also be closed.
What will be open are mercados, supermarkets, pharmacies and domestic gas sellers. The superintendent of police will be running controls to avoid hoarding. <Don’t show up expecting to buy 10 tanks of gas to take you through the rest of the year.>
Educación a distancia (Long distance education) – The Ministry of Education presented its plan to address the suspension of classes in all public schools in Ecuador. Students will learn from home, and has hundreds of educational resources both for student and teachers. For those without internet or bad internet, the schools want to know so that community needs can be registered and a mentoring schedule set up. A phone line, 1800-338222, has been set up for parents and teachers to stay in contact and for questions about homework. Teachers will stay in their classrooms. Child care centers are also closed.
Foreigner arrested – A 62 year old estadounidense (US citizen) was arrested at calles Tadeo Torres y Carlos Aguilar in the Parque de la Madre sector. According to the security guard in the area, the man was threatening people in the area with a knife. Police searched him and found the knife, bags of marijuana and cocaine, and $4,148. <Sounds like he might have been partaking of the drugs. A mean druggie? See what I mean about almost no COVID-19 related news? >
And that’s all for today so hasta ? –