
Editor’s note: For generations, Cuenca has claimed that it has the best fanesca, or Easter soup, in Latin America. The boast gained international credibility in 2005 when the New Yorker magazine ran a cover about it by editor, food writer and poet Calvin Trillin. Fanesca is served during Holy Week at many locations in Cuenca....
Due to the danger of a landslide, about 60 of the 90 families living in the La Cría community southwest of Santa Isabel have relocated, according to Azuay Province Governor Matias Abad. Trucks were seen throughout the weekend in the area, moving furniture and other household items from homes in the area. Early Friday, the...
President Guillermo Lasso has authorized the carrying and use of firearms by Ecuadorian civilians. In a Saturday night tv broadcast, the president cited rising crime as the reason for rolling back 12-year-old rules that make it almost impossible for private citizens to legally own guns. Lasso and Ecuador have been fighting an uphill battle against...
​By Patricia S. Daniels As we age, our senses become less acute through changes in the organs themselves, as well as changes in the brain. An aging brain becomes less able to perceive sensations, process information, create and store memories, and learn as some neurons die through normal aging or through disease or injury. But...
The death toll from Sunday’s landslide in Alausí rose to 24 Friday as rescue crews say they have little hope of finding more survivors in the 24-hectare rubble field. In addition to the dead, 39 people are listed as injured with 67 still missing. According to the Risk Management Secretariat, the count of missing people...
By Gary Vatcher During the evening of last Sunday, as the earth started to slide in Alausí, no one expected such a tragedy. With more than 2,000 people affected and 67 still missing, the country has come together to help. People have lost their homes, their livelihood and some have lost their whole families. There...
Viernes, 31/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Lasso ‘dará la cara’ en juicio ante Asamblea (Lasso ‘will ‘show his face’ in trial before Assembly) – See today’s article (viernes) in CHL for story. Cuenca – Preocupado sector turístico se alista para recibir feriado (Concerned tourism sector prepares for holiday) – As the holidays...
Proclaiming his innocence, President Guillermo Lasso said Thursday night he believes he can “overcome and prevail” in the National Assembly’s impeachment trial. Accompanied by his wife, María de Lourdes Alcívar, Lasso said he can prove he did not commit extortion or embezzlement in a contract with oil transport company Flopec. “In my personal, professional and...
By Yaёl Bizouati-Kennedy If your dream is to retire somewhere exotic and where your retirement savings will go the furthest, South America is a good option to consider. With a vast array of cultures, landscapes and history, there is something for everyone. Here are some of the best cities in South America to spend your...
The Chilean-based airline Latam and Colombian-based Avianca are increasing air routes between Colombia and Ecuador this week, connecting Guayaquil with Bogotá, Medellín and Cartagena, and Quito with Medellín. In addition, Latam announced it is considering adding flights from Cuenca to Peru destinations. The Guayaquil-to-Bogotá flights, operated by Latam, began Thursday from the José Joaquín de...
Miércoles, 29/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Dos conciertos por Semana Santa (2 concerts for Holy Week) – <Foodies, don’t confuse this with Holey Week which is a celebration of Swiss cheese.> The Conservatorio Superior José María Rodríguez chorus, directed y María Eugenia Arias, will present ‘Pascua con Handel y Haydn’ with interpretations of the...
As expected, Ecuador’s Constitutional Court approved the National Assembly’s petition to begin impeachment proceedings against President Guillermo Lasso. In a six to three vote Wednesday night, the judges agreed that allegations of embezzlement involving public companies justify a trial. In its decision, however, the Court rejected the Assembly’s charge of extortion against the president, saying...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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