Where can you donate to landslide victims?; Quake victims need help too; Holy week concerts feature Handel and Haydn; Clowns in the parks

Mar 30, 2023 | 2 comments

Miércoles, 29/3/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Dos conciertos por Semana Santa (2 concerts for Holy Week) – <Foodies, don’t confuse this with Holey Week which is a celebration of Swiss cheese.> The Conservatorio Superior José María Rodríguez chorus, directed y María Eugenia Arias, will present ‘Pascua con Handel y Haydn’ with interpretations of the ‘Dixit Dominus’ and ‘La Creación.’ Invited performers include pianist Pilar Rodríquez, Olga Vresca, Jorge Regalado, and Michael Meissner, who is a violinist and former conductor of the OSC. Performances will be el 30 & 31/3 a las 20:00 in the Catedral Vieja de Cuenca. Tickets are available at La Veintiúnica (Pres. Córdova y Borrero), the Miguel Illescas Galería (Calle Larga next to the Museo Pumapungo), and the Palier Bookstore (Luis Cordero y Pres. Córdova). Cost: $5.00.

De El Mercurio del martes, 28/3 (2 articles):
Tomás Galindo presenta exposición retrospectiva (Tomás Galindo presents retrospective exhibit) – 3 decades after the 36 year old artist started his foray into pictorial art at age 2, Tomás Galindo is presenting an exhibit including his first works as a two year old to current paintings. The show is in 2 salas of the Antigua Escuela Central with hours from 8-16:30, M-F and from 9-14:00 on weekends.

The Red Cross, the University of Cuenca and the Cuenca Archdiocese are among the organizations collecting supplies and money for the victims of the Alausí landslide. (El Merurio)

‘Domingos en Familia’ (‘Family Sundays’) – The 34 year old Asociación de Payasos Profesionales del Azuay (Association of Professional Clowns of Azuay) will be at different parks in the City on domingos and at the parque San Blas this domingo. The organization is open to requests from barrios to perform at no cost. <Or you could just turn on your TV or computer and watch the clowns in the halls of power performing at great cost to taxpayers anywhere in the world.>

Titular –

La Josefina: 30 años después (La Josefina, 30 years later) – See article in today’s (miércoles) CHL for story.

Informe –

Solidaridad con Alausí (Solidarity with Alausí) – See today’s (miércoles) articles in CHL for more information. The Zone 6 Coordinator of the Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (MIES) has set up a place at their offices on Remigio Crespo y Los Ríos to accept donations.

De El Mercurio del martes, 28/3 (1 article):
Alausí: una tragedia que pudo evitarse (Alausí: a tragedy that could have been avoided) – See today’s (miércoles) articles in CHL for more information. 3 sections of the vía Panamericana is under the slide and buses have the option of taking the vía Cumandá y Pallatanga. Donations needed include non-perishable food, disposable items, garbage bags, clothing in good condition, implements for cleaning, cooking, alcohol, towels, gauze, hydrogen peroxide, diapers, blankets, and more.

The U. of Cuenca has set up a collection point on the Central Campus next to the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz with hours from 8-13:00 and 15-18:00. The Archdiocese of Cuenca has set up a donation collection point next to the Casa de la Juventud ‘Monay’. The Crónica Roja opened up a collection point in Celltronics (Luis Cordero 9-24 y Simón Bolívar) until 31/3 a las 17:00. The local Cruz Roja (Red Cross) is collecting donations at their headquarters at Borrero y Pres. Córdova from 8-17:00. Acción Social Municipal has also set up a donation point in their offices in th Parque La Libertad (old jail) on Nicanor Merchán y Eugenio Espejo from 8-20:00, M-F and 8-14:00 on weekends. <I don’t know if these hours apply just to martes or for more days. The emergency isn’t going to go away in just a few days.>

Cuenca –

Piden donaciones para la parroquia Chaucha (Appeal for donations for Chaucha Parish) – The earthquake on 18/3 affected the parish of Chaucha, one of the most complicated zones, and at a distance of 40 km. away, the farthest from urban Cuenca. <For those of you who haven’t looked at a map of the canton of Cuenca, Chaucha is a large rural parish. The 15 urban parishes which are just a tiny part of the whole canton are what most of us think of as Cuenca. There are another 21 rural parishes. Google parroquias de Cuenca and you can see that Molleturo parish extends all the way to the Azuay/Guayas border.> Donations are being accepted at the Cristo Salvador Parish (Jorge Carrera A. y Max Uhle). What is needed most urgently are children’s clothes, milk and diapers along with tents, blankets, mattresses, pillows, and personal hygiene items.

De El Mercurio del martes, 28/3 (1 article):
EMOV EP exonerará pago de multas (EMOV EP will waive fines) – According to the Agencia Nacional de Tránsito’s (ANT) schedule, vehicles with license plates ending in 2 can be registered until viernes, 31/3. The Empresa de Movilidad (EMOV EP) of Cuenca has extended that period until 30/6 without paying a $20 fine for late registrations. This is because of problems with the ANT AXIS 4 system that kept some owners unable to comply with annual registrations. The waiver of fines also applies to ownership transfers, change of service, renewal and duplicates.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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