
The United Nations office in Quito is urging the government to take steps to curb a “climate of growing xenophobia” in Ecuador. The UN said that President Lenin Moreno’s plan to make it easier to deport foreigners with criminal records has added to a climate of prejudice that is leading to crime and housing and...
Lunes, 10/2/2020 Hola, Todos – I will be taking a week off at the end of the month from 24/2 through 2/3 and be back on 3/3. I need a break. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Used books – Luis Gustavo Fabara Ruíz has a used bookstore in the Plazoleta del Otorongo where...
For the first time in 17 years an Ecuadorian president will visit the White House as President Lenin Moreno meets U.S. President Donald Trump Wednesday. “This visit is an opportunity to expand the new and positive bilateral relationship that the United States has built with Ecuador,” the White House said in a press release. “We...
By Liam Higgins If Ecuador politics seem confused now, experts say, they could become absolutely chaotic after the next election. “It’s really a mess now but I’m afraid things will get much worse,” says Marcel Merizalde, a Quito political analyst and former labor minister. “With the addition of so many political parties, we could easily...
By Blanca E. Vega Although I am born of Ecuadorian parents, I know more about being Ecuadorian American than I do about being Ecuadorian. I have little experience living with large extended families as some of my cousins are accustomed which also means that I have little experience with grandparents and death. Naturally, when my...
By Deb DuBoff Meet Felipe Alvarez. He is one of Cotacachi’s young business owners who have a desire and passion for living a healthy life in our naturally abundant area. He has found a vital niche to fill by providing products that keep us healthy while also promoting the health of the planet. Felipe recently...
Former president Rafael Correa once commented that the backwardness of Latin America is manifested by the chaos of wires and cables on its utility poles. “Let’s join the civilized world!” he said. “Clean up the noodles!” The public utility company, ETAPA, agrees and plans to “package” 29 kilometers of cables on its poles around Cuenca....
Jueves, 6/2/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Exhibición – “Las venas de América” opened Thursday night in two venues: the Salón del Pueblo and the old Escuela Central. The exhibit will include works by 20 young American artists, and was inspired by the book, “Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina”...
By Jim Wyss Stefan Ansermet was deep in Ecuador’s tangled southeastern jungles, a hard two-day hike from the nearest village, when he stumbled into a clearing. The change in vegetation was so subtle that everyone else on his team tromped straight through, unaware, but Ansermet was intrigued. Over the next four days in mid-November, Ansermet,...
In 2019, the Cuenca International Food Festival served more than a 2,000 meals at the Mall del Rio convention center and organizers expect just as many, if not more, for the 2020 edition on Sunday, February 9. The festival, in its 25th year, supports the work of Fasec (Cancer Patient Service Foundation). Originally created to...
Residents of the Cayambe barrio in northwest Cuenca are demanding that the city relocate the neighborhood brothels. “We have insisted for years that the municipality move the prostitution trade and nothing has happened,” Abel Buestán, chairman of the Relocate the Brothels committee said Thursday at a press conference. “We are tired of the crime, tired...
Ecuador’s most iconic waterfall is gone forever, geologists say. The 150-meter high Cascada San Rafael in the Cayambe Coca National Park went from a torrent to a trickle Sunday after a massive sinkhole swallowed its source, the Coca River. The collapse formed three smaller waterfalls that are not visible from the viewing stations around the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Tosa Blue Mountain News

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