
Lunes, 2/9/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Taller – There is a straw weaving workshop this week at the Economuseo Municipal Casa del Sombrero (Rafael María Arízaga 7-97 y Luis Cordero). This is the next to last class for the year. <I shouldn’t have told that to you procrastinators.> Register...
A former presidential assistant testified Sunday that she managed financial payments that prosecutors claim were bribes extorted by the government of former president Rafael Correa. Appearing before National Court of Justice Judge Daniella Camacho in the so-called “Sobornos “2012-2016” (Bribes 2012-2016) case, Laura Terán displayed a flipchart she used to track and direct funds received...
By Marvin Perez The detection of a banana-killing fungus in neighboring Colombia is setting off alarm bells in Ecuador, the world’s biggest exporter of Americans’ favorite fruit. Growers in Ecuador, where bananas generate $2.6 billion in exports and 2.5 million jobs, are battling to prevent Fusarium TR4, also known as Panama Disease or Fusarium wilt....
By Mac Margolis Argentine President Mauricio Macri’s political fortunes are crumbling. First voters delivered the struggling incumbent an upside-the-head defeat in the August 11 primaries. Then the financial markets piled on, blackening the country’s sovereign credit score and the peso to burnt toast. Now, with Argentina’s traditionally profligate Peronists poised to return to power, the...
President Lenin Moreno announced Thursday new funding and new strategies to fight crime. “There will be a reinforced security operation nationwide aimed at reducing crime in Ecuador,” the president said at a rally of National Police and armed forces in Guayaquil. “The government will be implacable in its effort to guarantee security of all of...
The Manuel Agustín Landívar Site Museum on Calle Larga was established in1972 and charged with the care and exhibition of Cañari, Inca, and Spanish artifacts and ruins as well as bone and pottery fragments left by earlier settlers in the Cuenca area. For many years, the Landívar collection was a primary resource for archaeological study...
Several websites, including Vox, Cheezburger and Elite Daily, recently compiled a list of things Baby Boomers do that mystify, confound and drive Millennials crazy. Here’s a selection. Why does my dad keep playing “Forever Young” by the Stones? Hey dad! It’s over, it didn’t work out. Get used to it! * * * Why do...
Although Cuenca has celebrated the Chola Cuencana tradition for centuries, no chola had ever held the office of mayor or vice mayor until this week. Marisol Peñaloza assumed the office on Tuesday when the municipal council voted to replace Pablo Burbano, who had been elected to the position in May. Defined as a mix of...
Jueves, 29/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Apologies for the abbreviated issue yesterday. Between the moment I finished proofreading and before I pushed send, I lost my internet connection. Or maybe it was already gone. Anyway, I lost some of what I’d written as well and didn’t see it until I got the email. Actividades – De...
The much-celebrated 2016 peace agreement between the government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, better known as FARC, is over, according to a FARC commander. Ivan Marquez, who served as chief negotiator of the peace deal, announced on Thursday morning that the FARC is taking up arms again and will resume its...
In two recent interviews, Cuenca Mayor Pedro Palacios was on the defensive about social media charges that he has accomplished little in his first 100 days in office. “Actually, we have achieved a great deal in the last three months but much of it is not visible to the public,” he said. The interviews focused...
Miércoles, 28/8/2019 Hola, Todos – Del cuerpo del periodico – Titular – La vicealcaldesa llama a la unidad (mayor) – See Wednesday’s article in CHL for the full story. Tarqui vigilantes — A crowd of residents captured two suspected thieves Tuesday night in a house in Tarqui, south of Cuenca. Both men were beaten before...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

Fund Grace News