31 arrested for fishing in Galapagos reserve, Killa Rayme celebration on Saturday, Historic house illegally demolished, Back to school

Sep 3, 2019 | 3 comments

Lunes, 2/9/2019

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Taller – There is a straw weaving workshop this week at the Economuseo Municipal Casa del Sombrero (Rafael María Arízaga 7-97 y Luis Cordero). This is the next to last class for the year. <I shouldn’t have told that to you procrastinators.> Register at the museum. There are 2 daily classes of 3 hours each, a 3 day a week class of 3 hours each, and a 3 hr. Sat. class. Free.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Killa Rayme celebration – Killa Raymi will be on sábado, 21/9 with a parade starting from parque San Blas, across from the Casa de la Provincia, and end at the Plaza del Otorongo. Killa Raymi is to celebrate the moon, woman and fertility and is the time to prepare the earth for planting. In Otorongo from 9:00, there will be exhibitions of ancestral knowledge including ecological agriculture, basketry, ceramics, sculpture, weaving and embroidery; Andean gastronomy with a festival de chicha <does that stuff give you a hangover?>; ancestral and intercultural medicine with sacred plants, cleansings, and medicinal ointments; water planters with local experience in caring for pokcllos, pacchas, taskis y yaku. <Could use the help of anyone who knows Quechua.> There will also be a ritual ceremony featuring women.

City workers seal off historic house demolition crime scene on Hermano Miguel ad Sucre. (El Mercurio)

Otras cosas –

Titular – El regreso a clase modifica desde hoy la rutina familiar (The return to class today modifies the family routine) – School for students in the Sierras and Amazonía starts this week with 297,440 kids in Zone 6 (Azuay, Cañar, y Morona Santiago). The 1st, 2nd & 3d levels of Bachillerato (high school) started today. <The vacation from students has ended for you bus riders.> Básica Superior (levels 8, 9 & 10 EGB) starts mañana, 3/9; Básica Media ( 5, 6 & 7) starts el 4/9; Básica Elemental (2, 3, & 4) starts el 5/9; and Preparatoria (1 EGB) starts el 6/9. Educación inicial starts next week on 9/9. <This might give you a better idea of how grades are organized.>

Historic house torn down – Staff from the Dirección de Áreas Históricas “red tagged” an historic, 129 year old colonial house in at Hermano Miguel 7-52 y Sucre. The house had a patio, back patio and garden with painted murals on inside walls. All that is left is part of the facade. The project was tagged 3 times in agosto to stop work, and the seal was broken each time.

El noche de viernes (Friday night – you should know this already), workers entered with a tractor and two Bobcats. A 9 person crew hired out of San Francisco Plaza showed up Sat. to haul away debris. They were detained overnight and released the next day. They had no idea who hired them. The judge also said that a crime punishable with 1-3 years exists and will be investigated by the Prosecutor’s office.

2020 Census – The Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC) started preparing for the 2020 census in noviembre with getting current mapping. The actual census for the southern region started en abril pasado with the little towns and is being done with house to house visits. 29.7% of the houses been registered and the work is expected to last until julio de 2020.

Amotinamiento (riot – your word for the day) – There was a riot at the CRS Sunday in Turi. Preliminary reports say there were people who had suffered wounds and blows and respiratory problems from gas. Those affected included prisoners, police and guards. <You’d think that if you were going in throwing tear gas, you’d make sure your “side” all had gas masks.>

Illegal fishing – Close to a ton of endangered marine species were seized in the Galápagos. 5 ships flying the Peruvian flag were intercepted. 31 foreigners of two nationalities were charged. <Peruvian and ? Chinese?>

Plantas medicinales – The Asociación de Productores de Plantas Medicinales “La Paceñita,” located in Nabón, is selling their products at 4 locations in Cuenca. The association makes horchata and tea bags of horchata, manzanilla y hierba luisa.

Alexander von Humboldt’s raft – A replica of the 5 m. x 15 m. raft that Humboldt used when he explored the rivers around Guayaquil, will be launched el jueves.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? –



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