
Editor’s note: This is Part 2 of a 3-part series, Conscious Living. So we ended the first segment of this series with the question: “Is it true?” Is it true that Claus Schwab, World Economic Forum and The Great Reset are representatives of evil? Or is it possible that the universe, conspiring for our highest...
Miércoles, 9/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Regresa el cine de Cámara Lúdica (Playful Camera cinema returns) – The 7th edition of the Cámara Lúdica-Encuentros Cinematográficos returned Wednesday night. The festival will run until el 18/11 with 6 sections. Each section will have a series of films from France, Germany, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Spain, Ecuador,...
Several National Assembly members are pushing legislation that would allow police greater use of force in combating crime, including authorization to shoot to kill. “If law enforcement officers have to shoot criminals to protect the public, they have my full support,” says Esteban Torres, leader of the Social Christian Party. He claims his position is...
By Gideon Lasco “Do you eat guinea pig?” I asked Leonardo. We were perusing the menu in a restaurant in Lima, and I wanted to know what my Peruvian friend thought of the practice of eating cuy (the Spanish term for guinea pig used in parts of the Andes mountains). “The guinea pig is not...
Editor’s note: This is Part 1 of a three-part series about Conscious Living. It is vital to begin by saying that each of us hears the “call for the master.” It is hard-wired into our genetic code. Now it is highly likely that this call is never answered, as our conditioning, our ego development, is...
Lunes, 7/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. <Actually, you should be resting from all of the activities over the holidays.> Titular – El primer duelo lo gana el Aucas (Aucas wins first match) – The Quito team beat Barcelona 1-0. <Any more details are for you to find out since I don’t translate sports...
National Assembly President Virgilio Saquicela said Saturday he will begin meetings Monday to address gang violence and rising crime rates. “For most Ecuadorians, insecurity has become their major concern and I will meet with leaders of the various Assembly benches to build a consensus on how to confront the crisis.” Saquicela admitted that last week’s...
By Stephen Vargha Ecuador has the oldest evidence of chocolate ever being used. And the country – especially Cuenca – has some of the youngest people making quality chocolates. Michael Blake, an archaeologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and fellow archaeologist Francisco Valdez of the French Research Institute for Development in...
By Dr. Donald Smith So how do you reduce or eliminate problems before they happen when it comes to building or home improvement projects, now that you’re living in Ecuador. Consider it advice to expats who, on the one hand, seek high quality performance and value their time but, on the other hand, understand why...
The government reports that the number of explosions and shootings declined sharply Thursday and Friday in Guayas, Esmeraldas and Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas Provinces. “We are gaining the upper hand in areas where violence occurred early in the week,” Interior Minister Juan Zapata said Friday. “The deployment of additional police and the armed forces,...
Viernes, 4/11/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – A Gobierno se reclama por vías e inseguridad (Requests to Government for roads and security) – In his speech in the solemn session for the 202nd anniversary of the Independence of Cuenca, Mayor Pablo Palacios expressed confidence that he would be re-elected. He also questioned the National Government...
Although no more police have been killed since Tuesday, new explosions and incidents of random gunfire continue to be reported in four coastal provinces as criminal gangs react to to the relocation of hundreds of prisoners from Litoral Prison in Guayaquil. Inside Litoral, police say they have contained a riot on Wednesday and Thursday that...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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