
By Oscar Lopez In a rebuke to President Biden, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said Monday that he would not attend the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles after news emerged that the United States would not invite Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan leaders to the meeting. Mr. López Obrador had threatened...
Lunes, 6/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – From el viernes, 3/6/2022 La Fiesta de la Música regresa a Cuenca (The Music Festival returns to Cuenca) – The Alianza Francesa announced that the 31st Edition of the Fiesta de la Música will be el 16, 17, & 18/6 with 140 musicians performing electronic, indie fusion, rock,...
By Stephen Vargha There are millions of Americans living abroad, but the exact number is unknown. The United States does not formally count the number of Americans who move to other countries, and it does not require its citizens to register an official place of residence. The U.S. Department of State Department thinks U.S. citizens...
As more than 300 mayors, prefects and governors gathered in Quito Monday to discuss ways to fight crime, an angry Guayaquil Mayor Cynthia Viteri attacked the government of President Guillermo Lasso for not paying its bills. Waving a hand-written sign claiming Guayaquil is owed $60 million, Viteri said the national government is acting in bad...
The National Alliance for Health is demanding that President Guillermo Lasso declare a national emergency for the country’s public health sector. The Alliance, made up of patient rights groups and medical professionals, claims public hospitals and clinics and the Social Security health system are in a “state of collapse.” “This is a national crisis,” says...
Ecuador’s National Electoral Council has received a formal request for a recall election of President Guillermo Lasso. Under recall rules, Lasso has until June 9 to respond to the 48-page document submitted last week to the CNE. The recall is supported by Andrés Arauz, former Correista candidate for president, and former Correa administration officials Jorge...
By Daniela Mohor On May 1, Francisca Sandoval, a young Chilean reporter, traveled to a commercial district of the capital, Santiago, to cover a union rally commemorating International Workers’ Day. It would be her final report. During the demonstration, violent clashes broke out between local gangs, protesters, and the police. A group of armed gang...
A court in Colombia has ordered President Ivan Duque to be fined and placed under house arrest for five days, it said on Saturday, citing the Andean country’s leader failure to comply with a previous ruling that demanded he provide environmental protection for a national park. Experts say the order by the court in Ibague,...
Air traffic between the countries of the Andean Community (CAN), including Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, increased 146.7% from February 2021 to February 2022. In Cuenca, air traffic is also up dramatically although it still lags pre-pandemic levels. According to CAN officials, the Andean countries accommodated 1,784,000 passengers in February 2022, compared to 723,000 in...
National Assembly consideration of legislation to allow the National Police and prison staff to use more force to subdue suspected criminals and inmates has sparked an “unprecedented” level of public interest. On Friday, Assembly President Virgilio Saquicela postponed the beginning of formal debate until Tuesday due to the volume of public comments. “More than 1,300...
By Kara Godfrey In February 2020, Tori Ann Lyla Hunter was carrying medicines which, despite being prescribed by her doctor in Australia, were illegal in Indonesia. When they were discovered in her luggage at an Indonesian airport she was taken immediately to jail where she remained for almost a week. Tourists may be under the...
Jueves, 2/6/2022 Hola, Todos – Titular – Destitución no para crisis (Impeachment doesn’t stop crisis) – The fight in the Asamblea Nacional which unleashed the impeachment of Guadalupe Llori from the presidency of that body isn’t finished. Her defense has started legal action to return her to office, alleging violation of her rights. Jurists who...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News