Maintaining Guayaquil flights poses a challenge; Inti Raymi celebrations planned; How to contest a tranvía fine; Alianza Francesa music festival returns

Jun 7, 2022 | 9 comments

Lunes, 6/6/2022

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

From el viernes, 3/6/2022

La Fiesta de la Música regresa a Cuenca (The Music Festival returns to Cuenca) – The Alianza Francesa announced that the 31st Edition of the Fiesta de la Música will be el 16, 17, & 18/6 with 140 musicians performing electronic, indie fusion, rock, metal, rap, and hip hop music. On el 16/6, the opening of the fiesta will be in the Teatro Sucre. On el 17/6, between 17:00 & 23:00, the groups will be in private spaces – Bumba fruits and Beer, Wunderbar, el Pedregal Azteca, La Belga, Hotel Selina, 11 Pizza y Cerveza, 3 Marias, Vevos GastroArte y Vieja Diablos. On el 18/6 between 16:00 & 1:00, the performances will be in 4 public spaces – Plazoleta del Vado (rap and hip hop), Puente Roto (electro-experimental), Plaza del Otorongo (rock and metal), and Plaza de San Francisco (indie fusion). More than 40 local artists will be performing including Amy Root, Los Días del Sol, Corriboy, Carne de Cañon y Zulo MC.

From el sábado, 4/6/2022

The University of Cuenca is organizing events to celebrate Inti Raymi.

Ritos de Fiesta del Sol alista la U. (University prepares the Rites of the Sun Fiesta) – This year, Inti Raymi will be celebrated by the universities. The U. of Cuenca is organizing a series of events from el 19-21/6. On the 19th, there will be the Sisakunawan Mayllachina (Baño Florecimiento (Flowering Bath)) a las 8:00 in Oña. El 20/6 a las 19:00, there will be the Inti Taki (Canto al Sol (Song to the Sun)) in the Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz. On the 21/6 a las 9:00, the celebration of the Hatun Pancha, the largest fiesta, will be at the Campus Balzay of the U. of Cuenca. Before that, various groups will parade from the Campus Centro Histórico, Campus Yanuncay, and Campus Paraíso to the Campus Central and from there to the Campus Balzay. The U. of Cuenca is inviting groups to participate including youth groups, dance and musical groups, agricultural associations, students and the general public. If you want to march in the parade, fill out the form at <Someone threw a scrabble set at the wall and this is what stuck?>

Titular –

Hay 2 maneras para impugnar multas: Tranvía (2 ways to challenge fines: Tranvía) – Jorge Moscoso, director of the Tranvía said that in 2021, from over 3 million transactions, there were only 4,641 sanctions. This is a minimal number compared to fare evasion in the whole of Latin America. One reason may be the $120 fine for not paying. Riders also have a chance to pay even after boarding. And if they did pay and the system didn’t register the payment, the passenger can go to the Tranvía offices on av. México, next to the ex-CREA to file a claim which can be verified by reviewing the cameras. A second way to challenge the fine is at the Unidad Sancionadora on av. Paucarbamba between 12 de Abril y Manuel J. Calle. You can make an application and present your reasons for not paying the fare. This process can take months. <I wonder if being old, half senile, and not being able to figure out the instructions in Spanish would be sufficient justification.>

Cuenca –

El Progreso reclama mejores vías (El Progreso demands better roads) – For over 30 years, the El Progreso barrio in Cebollar had been served by only a 1 meter wide bridle path. Now there is a main road but it’s still dirt and either dust or mud depending on the season. In 2016 there was an application to pave the road to the Corazón de Jesús sector, but what was approved was only to the first carrozable (carable – able to be traversed by car, your word for the day. I like it because it takes a noun, adds a suffix and makes an adjective.) bridge in the zone. Currently the application has problems since the large landowners don’t want to participate in the project due to the costs. <I think the costs of road improvements gets billed to the fronting property owners. My last tax bill included a charge for bike lanes.>

The barrio president, Simón Bolívar Dávila, said that the owners should take into account that the common good is above the individual good. <What a very unAmerican, communistic viewpoint that is. Doesn’t he know that the proper way to run a society is every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost?> Another problem in the barrio is that wastewater is being discharged into the Milchichig creek due to lack of a sewer system. They are also asking authorities to improve a footbridge built by neighbors. It’s deteriorating and is a danger to users which include school children. <Looking at the accompanying photo, the word that comes to mind is rickety.>

Entrega pavimentación de calle Cordillera del Cóndor (Delivery of paving of calle Cordillera del Condor) – Mayor Pedro Palacios inaugurated the $460,451.68 project to pave the calle Cordillera del Cóndor near the Abdón Calderón military high school. The mayor announced that the paving will continue in the next months with another 371 meters costing $552,909.36.

Old news from viernes, 3/6/2022

Un reto mantener vuelos a Guayaquil (A challenge to maintain flights to Guayaquil) – The Ministerio de MTOP said that there are at least 3 conditions needed to maintain flights between Cuenca and Guayaquil: sufficient demand, an itinerary that meets the needs of users, and flying in accordance with schedules. Verónica Flores, a tourism promotor said that the current flights are in line with the requiremets of users who want to fly out in the morning and return in the late afternoon. She also said that to maintain demand the prices need to stay low. Currently a one way ticket costs $39 which includes only one personal item but not a carry-on. <Sounds geared for the business traveler and not an Ecuadorian international traveler who flies with two huge suitcases, a carryon, and a personal item.> Tickets are available at as well as other platforms.

Sucesos –

Sin Julissa, Eliana, María, Glenda, y Tania (Without Julissa, Eliana, Maria, Glenda, and Tania) – Violence against women cut short 5 lives between el 5-30/5 in he cantons of Cuenca, Nabón, y Gualaceo. The women, who include a 5 year old girl, were killed with a hammer, strangled with a shoelace, asphyxiated, and strangled. <If you want the details you’re on your own.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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