Cuenca – Guayaquil flights start July 1; Assembly fight isn’t over; Ecuadorian film honored at Cannes; Police air patrol returns to Cuenca; Seach for lost migrant

Jun 3, 2022 | 2 comments

Jueves, 2/6/2022

Hola, Todos –

Titular – Destitución no para crisis (Impeachment doesn’t stop crisis) – The fight in the Asamblea Nacional which unleashed the impeachment of Guadalupe Llori from the presidency of that body isn’t finished. Her defense has started legal action to return her to office, alleging violation of her rights. Jurists who were consulted didn’t discard that she could return to office given a series of inconsistencies, illegalities and inconstitutionalities committed when removing her as assembly president.

Cuenca –

Grupos de voluntarios buscan a migrante cuencana (Volunteer groups search for migrant from Cuenca) – 3 volunteer groups, Paralelo 31/Parallel 31, Colibrí Center for Human Rights, y Buscando Migrantes Centroamericanos en la Frontera activated to look for Graciela Elizabeth Peralta Bonilla whose family lost contact with her el 30/6/2021. She was last seen on Rte. 85 in Gila Bend, Arizona. The volunteer groups take information about people who have disappeared and organize searches in border zones in Ca., Ariz., NM, & Texas. They know the areas where the majorithy of migrants walk or where they are abandoned by coyotes. Unfortunately, in most cases they are found dead either in the desert or in forensic centers.

The National Air Police Patrol returns to the Cuenca airport after a seven-year absence. (El Mercurio)

Desde el 1de julio vuelos a Guayaquil (Flights to Guayaquil starting July 1) – <This is your good news story for the day.> LATAM Airlines will offer flights between Cuenca and Guayaquil starting el 1/7 for $78 round trip with flights on lunes, martes, miércoles y viernes. Ticket sales started el 1/6. José Luis Aguilar, Vice-minister of Servicios de Transporte y Obras Públicas said that air connections are the engine for tourism and productivity. The Government has designed plans to improve conditions to permit reactivation after the pandemic. The number of flights has increased increased on the Quito-Cuenca route to guarantee sufficient service according to demand. MTOP also has plans for flights for passengers from the Austro to the exterior, especially the US. Aguilar asked unions and the productive sector to support LATAM since operation of the flights relies on occupancy of the airplanes.

Atentado contra puente Mariano Moreno (Attack on Mariano Moreno Bridge) – Unknown persons covered the names of femicide victims that had been painted on the Mariano Moreno Bridge with white paint el noche de domingo, 29/5. In memory of women who were killed, the bridge was called Vivas Nos Queremos. Diana Tacuri, an activist against gender violence, thought the attack on this symbolic space was a message against those fighting to keep women from being victims of mistreatment. She has asked SIS ECU 911 to review their cameras to try locate the perpetrators.

Actualidad –

“Con corte le rendimos honor al último hielero” (“With short film we pay honor to the last ice maker”) – The short film, “Chimborazo” by Keyla Cepeda, was selected for the library of the Cannes Film Festival. Her short film will also be distributed for one year at the European and other international festivals. The animated film is about Baltazar Ushca, the last ice-man. She wanted to honor him, since he is still going to the glacier to collect ice, something that is not needed any more. <Now you can push a button on your refri and have ice on demand. Maybe there’s a marketer somewhere who will hype hand gathered glacial ice as the next “must have” thing for those who need to validate themselves with exotic purchases.> For more about the lace iceman, click here.

Region –

Mejoran 16 km de vías que fueron afectadas por lluvias (Improvement of 16 km of roads that were affected by the rains) – A group of 2nd order roads in the cantons of Sígsig and Cuenca are getting maintenance after the rains. In Sígsig, about 10 km. of roads that access Piruncay-Rurcag-Garau-Chicaloma are getting road resurfacing and pothole patching. The $84,000 project is 90% complete. In Cuenca, the accesses Augusto Alvarado, Guagualina, Mamaco, Ucururo, San José, Rambran-San Pedro y Mina in Cumbe parish are also getting resurfaced and patched with the $71,000 project 60% complete. These repairs will benefit 10,000 people, who work in agriculture and ranching.

Nacional –

Retornará aeropolicial a Cuenca (Aeropolicial will return to Cuenca) – The request from authorities and the citizens of Cuenca was finally heard. The air patrol service from Aeropolicial will return to Cuenca la próxima semana. The inaugural ceremony el miércoles, 8/6 be attended by VP Alfredo Borrero. The air patrol was discontinued in 2016 with lack of a secure area to store the airplane cited as the reason. The return was announced in 2021, but delayed due to accidents suffered by various National Police airplanes and the process of payment of insurance claims.

Mundo –

<The main article was about the Depp/Heard settlement. There weren’t more important things happening in the world?>

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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