
By Christian Thorsberg A new analysis released last week by the international nonprofit InfluenceMap reveals an overwhelmingly unequal share of fossil fuel pollution worldwide. From 2016 to 2022, 80 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions were produced by just 57 companies. Shared in the think tank’s Carbon Majors Database, which is produced by some of...
Viernes, 2/8/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Pintado entra al Olimpo (Pintado enters Olympus) – See today’s (viernes) article in CHL for the story. Ecuador has had 6 medalists in the Olympics starting with Jefferson Pérez in Atlanta, 1996, when he won the gold in the 20 km. speed walk. He also won a silver...
By Alexander Villegas Recent glacier retreat across the Andes is unprecedented in the history of human civilization, according to a new study published, opens new tab in the Science journal on Thursday. The discovery shocked scientists, who initially planned to study the current state of glaciers and how they had varied throughout human civilization. “We...
By Regina Garcia Cano   The statement that upended Venezuela came 24 hours after polls closed in the presidential election. With the reassuring tone of someone who has consistently been considered an underdog, opposition powerhouse Maria Corina Machado announced that her coalition had gathered more than two-thirds of vote tally sheets from polling centers nationwide, and that they show President...
A series of Tuesday and Wednesday meetings of political leftist movements failed to form a common front to challenge President Daniel Noboa in the February election. “We agreed on many objectives and agreed to continue our dialog but we were not able to coalesce around a presidential candidate for next year election,” said United Workers’...
By Jim Smith Cuenca Circle of Friends is a Facebook group dedicated to creating a supportive and engaging community for expats living in Cuenca, Ecuador. With an impressive membership of 1,800 and a growth rate of 100 new members per month since its inception in February 2023, this group has quickly become a vital resource...
By Danielle Friedman We’ve all encountered that person who comes back from the gym or a run seemingly high on life. In fact, scientists say that even a single bout of exercise can alter your neurochemistry in ways that create feelings of hope, calm, connection and a generally better mood. But for others, a workout...
Twenty-eight-year-old Brian Pintado of Cuenca won Ecuador’s first gold medal in the 2024 Paris Olympics Wednesday, finishing first in the 20-kilometer race walk. He becomes the second Cuencano to win the event, following Jefferson Perez’s 1996 victory in the Atlanta Olympics. Pintado surged to an early lead in the race and led the field by...
Miércoles, 31 /7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Casa de la Cultura festeja 79 años con agenda de eventos (Casa de la Cultura celebrates 79 years with an agenda of events) – La Casa de la Cultura (CCE) “Benjamín Carrión” Núcleo del Azuay will commemorate its 79th anniversary with events and activities from el 30/7...
Editor’s note: This is the second of a two-part series about Cuenca’s Mariscal La Mar Airport. By Stephen Vargha The runway. This may be the most talked about subject in the expat community. It certainly gets a lot of traffic on Facebook. “The airport’s budget was approved on July 25 and the runway emergency maintenance...
Ecuador’s National Assembly voted Monday to reject the reelection of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, calling it “fraudulent and fabricated.” Presented by Assemblyman Diego Matovelle, the motion “supported the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to freely and fairly elect” the leadership of their choice. The motion passed 79 to 11 and was supported by...
By Cara Giaimo As you probably know, Galápagos finches are famous for their beaks. Years of evolution have specialized their schnozzes for different purposes — the formidable bill of the large ground finch cracks nuts, the woodpecker finch’s tapered beak drills into trees, and so on. And what of the elegantly curved, sharply pointed beak...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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