
By the Cleveland Clinic Let’s face it: Added sugar really isn’t great for your health. An occasional indulgence is understandable. Added sugars are pervasive in our food supply, and a life of over-restriction and denial isn’t sustainable or realistic for a lot of people. You probably already know that. And you may have thought you...
By Saleem H. Ali On August 1, Ecuador will double the entry fee for tourists visiting the islands in an effort to mitigate pressures on this unique assemblage of ecosystems. The allure of the Galapagos Islands as the cradle of Darwin’s insights on natural selection remains a major draw for scientists to the volcanic archipelago. Located less...
Viernes, 19/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – IESS: afiliados sin medicinas (IESS: members without medicines) – The “José Carrasco Arteaga” IESS Hospital is going through a crisis marked by accusations of corruption, a scarcity of medications, and a lack of supplies. In the middle of all this, rhe Asamblea Nacional has approved the opening of...
By Bill Francis With its idyllic, hotel-dotted coast, Ecuador’s beach town of Salinas is the setting of a brutal war that most tourists never get to see. Here, gangs forcefully enlist fishermen in drug trafficking — a scourge that has transformed this once peaceful coastal area into one of threats and violence. “If you protest,...
We are posting the CuencaHighLife comments policy below since some commenters may not be aware of it. The policy appears below all articles open for comments on the Disqus hosting service site linked to CHL. Please remember that comments should relate to the article they are posted under or to other comments related to the...
A wildfire in the Pichanillas sector of the Yunguilla valley has consumed more than 300 hectares of vegetation, firefighters reported Thursday night. Earlier in the day, a risk management official in Girón reported the fire was 90% contained but later revised the figure to 60% as a result of “new flareups.” More than 100 firefighters...
The environmental group Ecoagents claims that more than 70% of the plastic pollution in the Galápagos Islands is dumped from Chinese fishing vessels that crowd protected waters the islands. The group claims that about 160 tons of plastic waste washes onto Galápagos shores each year. Ecoagents, supported by other environmental organizations, delivered a letter to...
By Florantonia Singer Venezuelan security forces have also reinforced their crackdown on the opposition in the first 10 days of the presidential election, with 71 arrests registered among supporters of Edmundo González Urrutia who is running against President Nicolas Maduro. National and international polling organizations show González with a 25% to 30% lead over Maduro....
National Assemblyman Adrian Castro said Wednesday that the sale and purchase of a hotel north of Cuenca’s historic district is a “smoking gun” in the larger IESS hospital scandal, “Look at the numbers and there is no doubt these transactions illegally enriched the family of [employee union president] Rosa Argudo,” Castro said. Castro and the...
Miércoles, 17/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Escenario listo para ‘batalla’ tradicional (Stage set for traditional ‘battle’) – On el 21/7 las 14:00, the “Batalla de Moros y Cristianos” will be recreated in the estadio in the El Bélen sector of Gualaceo Canton. Before the battle, the costumed participants will parade through the downtown streets....
By Anastasia Austin Last week a judge in Ecuador sentenced five people convicted in the high-profile 2023 murder of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, but there is still no clarity as to who ordered the killing and why. On July 12, a court in Pichincha handed alleged Lobos faction leader Carlos Edwin Angulo, alias “Invisible,” a 34-year prison sentence...
By Steven Levy Ray Kurzweil rejects death. The 76-year-old scientist and engineer has spent much of his time on earth arguing that humans can not only take advantage of yet-to-be-invented medical advances to live longer, but also ultimately merge with machines, become hyperintelligent, and stick around indefinitely. Nonetheless, death cast a shadow over my interview with Kurzweil this spring....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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