
By Tamara Hardingham-Gill When Ruth Harrison and Dan Phillips relocated from the US to Ecuador two years ago, their main goal was to enjoy a peaceful retirement. Just as the couple – who have chosen to use pseudonyms for this article – were settling into a new chapter in a more affordable country that offered...
Ecuador’s interprovincial buses will suspend service July 16 and 17 to protest a lack of police protection on its routes. Federation of Public Passenger Transport (Fenacotip) President Abel Gómez says the protest will be non-violent and not result in road closures. “We are demanding the government review its security plans regarding public transportation, and that...
The Sangay volcano, midway between Quito and Cuenca, is sending a large plume of ash over five provinces, rerouting airline flights between Guayaquil and Quito and Cuenca and Quito. Beginning Tuesday, residents west of the volcano, as far away as Guayaquil, reported hearing what the Geophysical Institute described as “strange noises.” On Thursday, the Agricultural...
By Brad Stulberg The other day, someone at my gym approached me and lamented that he could spend nearly every waking hour of his life executing the countless viral health and longevity recommendations popularized by internet influencers and podcast hosts, and he’d still feel that he is falling behind. He was alluding to a complicated and...
Miércoles, 10/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Tras de 20 años reabren terraza de Seminario (After 20 years, Seminary terrace reopens) – The Archdiocese of Cuenca is reopening the front terrace of the Seminario “San Luis” after 20 years. The 60 meter long by 6 m. wide 3d floor terrace is accessed by a narrow...
By Kimberely Brown In a small corner of Ecuador’s Yasuní national park is the village of Llanchama. This Indigenous Quichua community is carved out of the dense Amazonian rainforest along the Tiputini River. But for nearly 10 years an entirely different development has been attempting to establish itself on the village’s borders: the Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini oilfield....
A man was caught trying to smuggle more than 100 live snakes into mainland China by stuffing them into his pants, according to the country’s customs authority. Customs officers in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen intercepted the man traveling through Futian Port, a checkpoint between Hong Kong and mainland China, the agency said in a statement on Tuesday....
Although the government forecasts revenue from legal mining to double in 2024 and 2025, it must also face the fact that most mining in the country is done illegally. “Illegal mining is generating almost one billion dollars a month,” says María Eulalia Silva, President of the Ecuador Mining Chamber. “This is an astounding figure and...
Cuban journalist Alondra Santiago has asked Ecuador’s judicial system to annul a government decision of to expel her from the country, an act she claims is related to her criticism of President Daniel Noboa. Through her lawyer Carlos Soria, Santiago insists on a protection action whereby the government is obliged to return her visa and...
Periodico – lunes, 8/7/2024 Hola, Todos – To those of you who wrote in with the way to type the ü, many thanks. My Plan B was to enter penguin into the translator, then erase everything but the ü in pingüino, and move that where I needed it. My keyboard has a key with the...
Two young Irishmen retaliated Sunday against Barcelona protesters who are using squirt guns against tourists, claiming over-tourism is ruining the city for residents. Hearing that hundreds of water pistol-wielding protesters were dousing tourists in the city’s Las Ramblas district, the two men, armed with heavy duty “Super Soaker” water rifles, blasted dozens of out-gunned student...
In a ruling described by activists as “historic”, Ecuador’s Constitutional Court has ruled that pollution has violated the rights of a river that runs through Quito. The city government has appealed the ruling, which is based on an article of Ecuador’s constitution that recognizes the rights of natural features like the Machángara River. “This is...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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