
With 53 of its members arrested or dismissed this year, Ecuador’s judicial system desperately needs to rebuild public trust, says Judicial Council member Narda Solanda. “Our entire court system is at a critical point,” she says. “People have lost faith in our ability to fairly apply the law as a result of the corruption and...
Venezuela’s government plans to resume negotiations with the U.S. government this week, President Nicolás Maduro announced Monday, less than a month before a highly anticipated election in which he and his party are facing their toughest challenge in decades. Maduro, who is seeking a third term, wants the U.S. government to lift crippling economic sanctions...
By Noah Rothman “We cannot wait for speeches when the sea is rising around us all the time,” said Simon Kofe, the one-time foreign minister of the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, in a 2021 address. Kofe’s warning was the kind of boilerplate climate-change catastrophism to which all save the most dedicated activists long ago...
Olmedo Fernando León has been named new general manager of Cuenca’s José Carrasco Arteaga hospital following the resignation of Héctor Martínez on Saturday. The hospital, part of Ecuador’s Social Security system, is the focus of corruption and mismanagement allegations. León served as Coordinator of Administration Planning at the hospital before his new appointment and is...
President Daniel Noboa issued a new 60-day state of emergency decree for Guayas, Los Ríos, Manabí, Orellana, Santa Elena, El Oro Provinces Tuesday. Although the order is similar to the one rejected by the Constitutional Court last month, the government claims this one provides additional justification not included for the previous decree. The new emergency...
From Guardian staff reports The US will cover the costs of repatriating migrants who enter Panama illegally, under a deal agreed with the Central American country’s new president who has vowed to shut down the treacherous Darién Gap used by people travelling north to the United States. In his first address as president, José Raúl Mulino promised...
By Patricias Islas Just two months after Mexico severed all diplomatic ties with Ecuador on April 5, Switzerland announced that it would assume the role of protecting Mexico’s interests on Ecuadorian soil. The agreement to this effect was signed on June 15. Under pressure from the media, Ecuador announced the following day that it had...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) will not participate in anti-government protests planned for Thursday, July 4. Conaie President Leonidas Iza said his organization supports the United Workers Front and other groups opposing the elimination of gasoline subsidies, but said it “will consider other avenues of action for the future.” Iza said Conaie...
Lunes, 1/7/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Inauguran rutas turísticas para promocionar a las parroquias (Tourist routes inaugurated to promote parishes) – The Fundación Municipal Turismo para Cuenca inaugurated Rutas Turisticas in Sinincay, Chiquintad, and Checa last weekend. The goal is to develop, encourage and promote tourism in rural sectors with different activities in the...
By Gary Leff  Larry Summers, former Clinton Treasury Secretary, Obama chief economic advisor, and Harvard President, observed last year that “the newer the [airport] terminal, the less convenient it is to use” thanks to all of the long walks and wondered why that’s the case. The reason is actually simple economics, but to see that you...
Xavier Raúl Armijos, who held several positions at the Turi prison, including that of general director, is on the run following a raid of his home in Cuenca. Armijos is charged with several crimes, including selling release documents to prisoners at the facility. The National Court of Justice and the Attorney General claim Armijos received...
By Jeremiah Reardon Carol E. Leutner’s new book Race Consciousness, A Personal and Political Journey has won the prestigious 2024 New Generation Indie Book Award in the History and Legacy Memoir category. The prize is given annually by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group, Inc., which is the largest international awards program for independent authors...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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