
Lunes, 17/6/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 15/6 (1 article): Más de 90 marcas tendrá la ‘Expo Mujer’ (More than 90 brands at the ‘Expo Mujer’) -The ‘Women’s Expo’ 2024 will be at the Quinta Lucrecia los 22 & 23/6 with the event opening a las 10:00 el sábado. The...
At least 12 people have been killed in landslides in Baños de Agua Santa, a resort town east of Ambato, with another 24 injured. As of Monday, local authorities said “dozens” are still missing. The landslide buried several homes beneath tons of rock and mud which careered down a hillside following days of torrential rain....
By Lauren Irwin Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he predicts a bird flu pandemic will happen, it’s just a matter of when that will be. Redfield joined NewsNation Friday to discuss the growing concern for bird flu, as the virus has been detected in dozens of cattle across...
Many Quito neighborhoods were without electricity late Sunday following heavy rains that disabled three hydroelectric plants, including Coca Coda Sinclair on the Coca River. The closures forced the government to make an emergency purchase of electricity from Colombia. According to Energy Minister Roberto Luque, the rain in the central and northern Andes Saturday night overflowed...
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled Friday that President Daniel Noboa’s emergency declaration in seven provinces is unconstitutional. It is the second time in three months the court has rejected a declaration on the grounds that the government did not provide adequate justification. In its ruling, the court said the claim of internal armed conflict was not...
Ecuador’s Vice President Verónica Abad, for now, will not be indicted in a corruption case against her son after lawmakers blocked the move on Friday. The National Assembly denied the authorization of Abad’s criminal prosecution in a vote prompted by an order from the country’s National Court to decide whether prosecutors could move forward. Although...
Viernes, 14/6/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – IV Festival Nacional Infantil de Interpretación Musical (IV Festival Nacional Infantil de Interpretación Musical) – The Concierto al Mérito Artístico at the IV Festival Nacional Infantil ‘Edgar Palacios 2024’ will be el miercoles, 19/6 a las 15:00 in Loja. The Conservatorio de Música “José María Rodríguez” will be...
Newly elected Mexican president of Mexico Claudia Sheinbaum said Wednesday she will not restore diplomatic relations with Ecuador until her country receives an apology for the April raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito. “What Ecuador did to Mexico is not something minor, so it is not a matter of sitting down and talking,” Sheinbaum...
By Lance Morton Millions of metric tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year. While half of this plastic waste is recycled, incinerated, or discarded into landfills, a significant portion of what remains eventually ends up in our oceans. In fact, many pieces of ocean plastic waste have come together to create a vortex of plastic waste thrice the size...
The government said Thursday that it will provide full details of its plan to eliminate subsidies for Extra and Ecopaís gasoline Friday, June 14. In an interview on Radio EXA, Finance Minister Juan Carlos Vega said that the subsidy would be phased out during the remainder of the year, with total elimination expected before December....
By Gabriela Mesones Rojo and Alicia Chen Last August, Ecuadorians made history by voting to permanently keep over 700 million barrels of crude oil in the ground beneath Yasuní National Park, one of the most biodiverse areas on earth. This made Ecuador the first country in the world to halt oil exploitation through a referendum. Despite the...
By Eglė Gerulaitytė  A small, makeshift booth with sheets of corrugated metal for a roof served as the immigration and customs office in the desolate, desert-like landscape separating south-west Bolivia from north-eastern Chile. Inside, two officers huddled around a kettle and a wooden desk sipping hot tea. After they stamped my passport, one of them suggested...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News