
Claiming the “work is not over” in combatting criminal organizations in Ecuador, President Daniel Noboa on Wednesday declared a new state of emergency in seven of the country’s 24 provinces as well as one area of an eighth province. The measure will be in force for 60 days in Guayas, El Oro, Santa Elena, Manabi,...
Thousands of Chinese migrants are using Ecuador as a crucial starting point to eventually reach the United States to claim asylum, according to a report published by the Argentine news outlet Infobae. According to Infobae, many of the migrants are using the social media platform TikTok to chart their course. Ecuador, one of only two...
By Liam Higgins The reaction to Citizens Revolution President Luisa González’s suggestion that the Correistas form a leftist coalition with the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) has been less than enthusiastic. “It is true we need to build bonds with other movements to win the presidency but I don’t see the advantage of...
Indigenous communities in the province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador, will mobilize against mining violence and demand justice for the areas that suffer the consequences of mineral extraction. The National Anti-Mining Front announced on X that the massive sit-in will be carried out in parallel with the Protective Action Hearing on mining, suspended last April, in the...
By Juan Gabriel Tokatlian The anti-Soviet and anti-communist hysteria that typified the Cold War period is to a certain extent alive and well today with the rise of China. This is particularly true regarding prevalent sentiment among the U.S. strategic class about Latin America. Take for example U.S. Southern Command head Laura Richardson’s testimony to the House...
In a strongly worded statement, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights accused Ecuador of ignoring court rulings that protect the environment and the rights of residents. He also claimed that the results of public referendums are not being followed. During a five-day visit of Ecuador, Rapporteur Marcos Orellana said lack of enforcement of...
Lunes, 20/5/2024 Hola, Todos – Titular – Alianza da impulso a industria tecnológica (Alliance boosts technology industry) – The Grupo Consenso-Indurama, headquartered in Cuenca, and Motorola-Lenovo have established an exclusive distribution agreement for Motorola cellphones and TVs. The Grupo plans to invest over $2 million in 2024. As part of the investment, 2 Motorola-Lenovo experience...
By Alejandra Guerrero and Garry Vatcher José’s life has been shadowed by adversity since childhood. In a remote corner of Huila province in Colombia, violence and suffering were woven into the fabric of his existence from an early age. He recalls painful memories of a childhood damaged by physical and psychological violence within his own...
By Katie Surma Natalia Greene ducks her head underneath the fronds of a giant fern. It is pitch black in the Chocó Andino cloud forest and Greene is searching for spiders, frogs and other nocturnal creatures. “Ah, found one!” she shouts, steadying the beam of her flashlight on a sinewy spider. Greene marvels at the tiny...
On his recent European trip, a Spanish reporter asked President Daniel Noboa if it would be safe to travel to Cuenca in November for the Ibero-American Summit, given Ecuador’s high murder rate. “Yes, absolutely,” he answered. “Cuenca is one of the safest cities in all of the Americas.” The Summit is an annual conference in...
Domingo, 19/5/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 18/5 (1 article): ‘Lizmett’ publica en las redes sociales su sencillo “Vencer” (Lizmett’ publishes single “Vencer” on social networks) – <This is for you heavy metal fans.> The group “Lizmett” published their single, “Vencer,” on their social networks this week, prior to the...
By Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Staff We are all aware of the dangers of pollution to our air, water, and Earth. In a letter recently published in Nature Human Behavior, scientists are advocating for the recognition and mitigation of another type of environmental pollution that poses equivalent personal and societal dangers: information overload. With the internet at our...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News