
The Constitutional Court approved 10 of President Daniel Noboa’s referendum questions on Friday, including ones that would strengthen the role of law enforcement to combat criminal organizations, but rejected 9 others. Among the questions approved, voters will be allowed to decide to: grant some law enforcement roles to the armed forces; to increase penalties for...
Viernes, 26/1/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – ‘Streetwear’, el código de vestimenta del hip-hop (Streetwear’, the dress code of hip-hop) – 3 stores specializing in ‘streetwear’ clothing from the 80’s and 90’s are collaborating on a show and sale, “Fresco desde la alcantarilla” (Fresh from the gutter or sewer) in the Galería Vitrina of the...
By Amy Fleming Isn’t it Sod’s Law? Just at the point in our lives when we start seriously considering our long-term health and mortality – perhaps after witnessing older loved ones getting an illness such as dementia – our responsibilities are piled so high that we can feel as if we’re losing our mental capacities already....
The joint National Police and Armed Forces command says it has confiscated an “incredible collection of lethal and unauthorized items” from the country’s prisons in eight days of security sweeps. The command says inspections are “ongoing” at eight prisons and will continue until all institutions are secure. Among the items seized, according to a command...
By Kashmir Hill This time of year, everyone asks what you like least about your life, but they phrase it as, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” My biggest regret of 2023 was my relationship to my smartphone, or my “tech appendage” as I’ve named it in my iPhone settings. My Apple Screen Time reports regularly clocked in...
Although President Daniel Noboa has joined several National Assembly members in recommending a delay in ending oil production in Yasuní National Park, legal experts say the idea is a “no go.” In the May national election, Ecuadorians voted 60% to 40% to end operations in the park, considered to be one of the most biodiverse...
National Police reported Tuesday that Ecuador recorded 8,009 murders in 2023, the most since crime record-keeping began 70 years ago. The country’s murder rate per 100,000, soared from 27 in 2022 to 44 in 2023, giving it one of the highest rates in Latin America. Paradoxically, the nine-page 2023 crime report also showed murders and...
Miércoles, 24/1/2024 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Postulaciones abiertas para fondos culturales (Applications for cultural funds now open) – The Dirección de Cultura del Municipio de Cuenca has opened the call for their Competitive Funds. It will consider innovative projects related to live arts, sports or recreational events, and cultural management (projects in formation and...
By Alvaro Murillo and Isabel Woodford Long a byword for laidback environmental tourism, Costa Rica is now wrestling with a surge in violence so striking that its government is borrowing a page from nearby El Salvador, which took draconian steps to tackle its own crime problems. In an effort to cut a homicide rate that...
President Daniel Noboa said Tuesday he is open to discussing fuel subsidies as part of a package to increase government revenue. “I think it is possible to reduce the subsidy by as much as 25% without affecting lower-income people,” he said in an interview Tuesday. “I have made it clear, there are limits to the...
Sunday’s massive cocaine bust on a farm in Minces, Los Ríos Province, was stunning even for National Police. The raid, which did not conclude until early Tuesday, netted 22 tons of packaged cocaine worth $1.3 billion and possibly more, depending on its final market. “The amount that we confiscated is so large it will have...
In a new executive decree, the government has eliminated the nightly curfew in 160 of the country’s 221 cantons based on a low risk of gang-related violence. Cuenca is considered at medium risk and will have a 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. curfew. Until Monday night, the curfew was 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. New...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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