
El Salvador is charging passengers from Africa and India a $1,000 fee, in an apparent bid to curb migration to the US through the Central American country. People traveling on passports from India or any one of more than 50 African nations will be obliged to pay the fee, El Salvador’s port authority said in...
With electric blackouts beginning early Friday, the Ministry of Energy predicts they will end before Christmas. “Today, we are asking for bids for thermal power generation of the 460 megawatts of electricity we need to end usage restrictions,” Energy Minister Fernando Santos said Thursday night. “This requirement is subject to change, of course, if rains...
Author’s note: This is the second of a three-part series about diabetes. Part 1 offered a basic overview of the disease and its different types. Part 2 discusses ways to control it with pills, diet and exercise. Part 3 considers the new treatment possibilities, including medicines, as well as the Spanish names. By Garnett Stewart In...
The National Electricity Operator (Cenace) has requested permission from the Ministry of Energy to impose series of electric service blackouts as a result of low water levels at the country’s hydroelectric plants. “Because of the continuing drought and its effect on hydroelectric power generation, it is necessary to start a program of rationing in the...
Fiestas de Cuenca, 25/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Some more extra time with a few minutes to fill. Coro y orquesta preparan obra de Pietro Fascagni – The chorus and U. of Cuenca symphony and several soloists, will perform “Cavalleria Rusticana on el 9 & 10/11 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Carlos Cueva...
Ecuador’s National Institute of Statistics and Census reported Tuesday that labor informality continues to grow in the country. INEC claims that 54.4% of Ecuadorians work in the informal sector, which means they do not contribute to the Social Security system or pay income taxes. The figure is a 2.3% rise from the same period of...
The five newly elected members of the National Assembly from Azuay Province received their certification Tuesday, pledging to work together for the benefit of local citizens. The new legislators receiving their papers were Leonardo Berrezueta (Citizens’ Revolution); Sofía Sánchez (Construye); Diego Matovelle, (National Democratic Action); Adrián Castro (Actuemos); and Mabel Méndez (Citizens Revolution). Azuay’s alternate...
Human faces sculpted into stone up to 2,000 years ago have appeared on a rocky outcropping along the Amazon River since water levels dropped to record lows in the region’s worst drought in more than a century. Some rock carvings had been sighted before but now there is a greater variety that will help researchers...
By Liam Higgins Less than two weeks after losing the presidential election, the Citizens Revolution may be facing an even bigger challenge to its future. A scandal involving former vice president Jorge Glas and his relationship with a female assistant was revealed in audio recordings and text messages within hours after the election. The messages,...
Hello, everyone – I found myself with an extra hour and half while I wait for something so I thought why not send out a post with the activities listed in Friday and Saturday’s El Mercurio. You’re Welcome. Activities- From El Mercurio on Friday, 20/10: Festival de títeres (puppet festival) – Here’s a list of...
Argentina’s presidential election was headed for a runoff contest Monday after none of the three main candidates won sufficient votes for an outright victory in a contest largely fought on the country’s ailing economy. In an upset, Economy Minister Sergio Massa came out on top with 37% of the 26.3 million votes cast, followed Javier...
Cuenca’s public utility company ETAPA says it will be forced to ration drinking water if there is no significant rainfall in the next two weeks. “Our rivers are running at record low levels and our watershed in the Cajas Mountains is very dry,” said ETAPA manager Veronica Polo. “In most of the areas that feed...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

Fund Grace News