
President Guillermo Lasso has fired the commander of the National Police and the director of prison system. The Saturday announcement comes in the wake of the prison murders of seven defendants in the August 9 assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio. Six of the suspects, arrested the night of the assassination, were murdered Friday afternoon...
The six Colombian suspects arrested following the August 9 assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio were murdered Friday afternoon in the Litoral Prison in Guayaquil. A police official who asked not to be identified said the murders were intended to keep the men from talking to investigators. The national prison authority said the murders occurred...
Viernes, 6/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Agenda cultural – 7/10 a las 10:00 – Feria – Entrepreneurship and culture – Puente Roto. 8/10 a las 20:00 – Teatro – Instrucciones para abrazar el aire (Instructions for hugging air) – Teatro Pumapungo. 9/10 a las 9:00 – Exposición – El encanto de la imaginación y...
Cuenca expat Jerry Rabas is in the hospital with a life-threatening blood clot that will require at least one surgery and extensive recovery, procedures that will exceed his savings. While many of his friends are contributing, he still needs contributions from the broader community. Jerry has been a fixture in expat community, a good friend...
By Moira Ritter Deep within the unexplored depths of Ecuador’s Andes mountains, a tiny creature made her home in the leaf litter covering the floor of a volcano slope. Then she was nabbed by researchers. The small, “cryptic” rainfrog looked like other species, but scientists noticed some peculiar traits and realized they had discovered a...
Jueves, 5/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Sinfónica tiene repertorio para seis conciertos (Symphony has repertoire for six concerts) – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca (OSC) has prepared 6 concerts to be performed in different venues in the city. The first was Thursday with contemporary jazz musician Samy Thiébault. The 2nd concert is Friday a...
A new agreement between Ecuador and the U.S. to combat drug trafficking will grant permission for limited U.S. military operations in Ecuador, Foreign Minister Gustavo Manrique said Wednesday. Aimed primarily at maritime activity, the agreement signed on President Guillermo Lasso’s recent trip to the U.S., also targets illegal fishing, fuel smuggling and human trafficking. At...
Citizens Revolution presidential candidate Luisa González has cut into Daniel Noboa’s lead in most polls before the October 15 presidential runoff election and has moved into the lead in one. By rule of the National Electoral Council, Thursday was the last day polls were allowed to post results prior to the election. In the Comunicaliza...
Author’s note: Many subjects will be covered in this four-article series about thyroid health and healthy metabolism. In Part 1, we covered iodine requirements, associated drugs, self-care, medical and home treatment, and medical repercussions are covered. Although it is hard to cover every piece of information, a broad overview will be provided in each section. Low thyroid...
By Andres Rodriguez  Rafael Correa, 60, is convinced that opponents of Correismo — the political movement built around him — were behind the murder of Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio on August 9. According to the former president of Ecuador, Villavicencio was assassinated as part of a strategy to prevent the Citizen Revolution Movement from winning the...
Miércoles, 4/10/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Con teatro chileno abre Escenarios del Mundo (Chilean theater opens Escenarios del Mundo) – The 9th edition of the scenic arts festival opens today (miércoles) with Frankenstein. You can get tickets at Librimundi (in the Centro Histórico and Mall del Río stores), the Galería Miguel Illescas (Calle Larga...
By Christopher Marquis In an era where fast food and fast fashion dominate, Mindo Chocolate Makers and El Quetzal de Mindo are advocating for a slow, deliberate approach. In a global chocolate industry marred by environmental degradation and labor exploitation, sisters Emily Meza-Wilson and Alicia Meza have taken it upon themselves to rewrite this narrative....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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Fund Grace News

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