
By Jeremiah Reardon How the mighty have fallen! My wife Belinda and I are not exactly mighty. But to give us our due, we made multiple changes to our lives and settled here in the Andean mountains of South America ten years ago. Back home in sunny Monterey, California, we held decent jobs affording us...
By Daryl Austin Dog has long been called man’s best friend. It is an assessment that is often based on the dog’s behavior: its loyalty, love, and eagerness to please. Pet owners like Sharon Reid of Grand Rapids, Michigan, says she’s experienced such devotion firsthand. “After my husband passed, my dog was the most reliable...
The October 1 presidential debate between Luisa González and Daniel Noboa will include four themes: the economy; crime and security; social programs; and political structures. The National Electoral Council (CNE) also announced debate format changes from the first presidential primary debate. CNE said that foreign journalist Ruth del Salto will serve as moderator. Debate format...
Lunes, 18/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Actividades en la ciudad por las fiestas Patrias de Chile (Activities in the city for Chile’s national holidays) – The Chilean honorary consul in Cuenca is organizing activities for the celebration of Chile’s 213 years of independence. The event will be el sábado, 23/9 from 16:00 to 22:00...
By Carly Cassella The key ingredient that underpins many nasal decongestants don’t work as promised when taken orally. Following an evaluation of clinical trial data, a panel of expert advisors for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agrees oral phenylephrine-based (PE) drugs are no better at reducing stuffiness than a placebo. While still...
By Juan Diego Quesada That day, he woke up late. The sun was already scorching the red bricks of a two-story house on the outskirts of Cali, Colombia. The air inside was suffocating. On the wall, he saw the picture of red roses that he had drawn for his mother — “Mom, I love you”...
Omar León, former director of Cuenca’s Turi prison, says it is “an open secret” that management has lost control of prison operations. “In effect, the gangs are in charge there,” he says. León, who was head of the prison for only two months before resigning, is advising Cuenca Mayor Cristian Zamora and the municipal council...
By Luke Taylor Noralba Galvis usually returns home to her village in the Colombian jungle with fresh supplies of rice, meat, salt and other foods stuffed into bags. But today, as the 40-year-old steps onboard a boat for the two-hour journey home along the Putumayo River, she carries just a single cardboard box. “My mother...
By Barbara Gutierrez In the town of San Francisco de Caldera in northwest Ecuador, the “animero” is an elder who leads prayers during funerals and holds special rituals during religious holidays to honor the ancestral spirits in ceremonies that marry Catholic and African traditions. For the many residents of Caldera — most of them Afro...
Ecuador’s young people overwhelming supported ending oil extraction in the Yasuní National Park. They also believe that the country’s taxation system should be overhauled to provide more reliable funding sources for education, health care and law enforcement. Although they favor a stronger role by government in providing basic services and employment opportunities, they are wary...
Viernes, 15/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio de jueves, 14/9 (4 articles): Antología reúne a los fotógrafos de dos siglos (Anthology brings together photographers of two centuries) – Photographer Gabriela Parra has organized a show, a lecture series, and a book about photographs from the XX & XXI century. The exhibit in...
Colombian artist Fernando Botero, who gained worldwide fame with his sculptures and paintings of corpulent figures, has died at the age of 91. His works feature outsized people and animals. But Botero also tackled politics and other serious subjects. President Gustavo Petro called him “the painter of our traditions and defects, the painter of our...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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