Motorcycle sales, passenger and delivery rules are fine-tuned; Child porn alert; Celebrate Chile holidays in Cuenca; Experimental dance performances

Sep 19, 2023 | 0 comments

Lunes, 18/9/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Actividades en la ciudad por las fiestas Patrias de Chile (Activities in the city for Chile’s national holidays) – The Chilean honorary consul in Cuenca is organizing activities for the celebration of Chile’s 213 years of independence. The event will be el sábado, 23/9 from 16:00 to 22:00 in the Salón de Eventos of the Hotel El Dorado (Gran Colombia 7-37 y Luis Cordero). Attendees can enjoy typical gastronomy with patillos like empanadas, bogoña, sopaipillas, anticucho, torta mil hojas and mote con huesillo which is a nonalcoholic drink made with the juice of candied peaches, mote de trigo and dried peaches. <None of that translated or showed pictures that made sense except the sopapillas, so you’re going to have to find a Chilean and ask them what these things are.>

The Cuenca municipal council has developed new rules covering the sales, operation and passengers for motorcycles operating in the city. (El Mercurio)

You can make an advance reservation at <I’m looking at the address and thinking it might be> Cost: $3.00 for kids and $5.00 for adults which includes food. Maximum capacity is 120 people.

De El Mercurio del sábado, 16/9 (2 articles):
Tres jornadas para la danza experimental ecuatoriana (Three days of experimental Ecuadorian dance) – “Cuerpos Elementales” is a contemporary and experimental dance festival that will be from el 20/9 to el 23/9 at different venues. The festival will have works that have only one dancer. There will also be talks and workshops. The schedule is as follows:

20/9 – Antigua Escuela Central – 19:00 – Festival opening
19:30 – Conversation on dislocating the body perspective <I had to rely on a translation program for this and I still have no idea what it means – sounds like it might be painful.>
21/9 – Teatro Pumapungo – 19:00 – Rasgo Etéreo by Marlon Nazate
Sinfín by Gabriela Pauta
Perfil inacabado by Alejandra Núñez
22/9 – Teatro Pumapungo – 19:00 – Ser para sí by Ximena Parra
Parfum de Fleur by Heydi García
Destellos sobre el amor by Cisne Quizhpe
23/9 – Casa de la Lira – 19:00 – Screening of dance videos from France, México, Quito y Cuenca
22:00 – Festival closes with a celebration of dance.

Agenda Cultural
18/9 a las 9:00 – Exposición – Sensorium at CIDAP
21/9 a las 19:00 – Muestra – Childrens’ stories illustrations at the Museo Universitario
22/9 a las 20:00 – Concierto – Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca at the Iglesia de Santo Domingo.

Titular –

Cuenca busca regularizar a los ‘delivery’ (Cuenca seeks to regularize delivery services) – The Consejo Cantonal is fine tuning the details to approve the proposal to regulate delivery service in Cuenca. It is part of the “Ordenanza de Regulación de Capacidad Permitida de Personas que se Transportan en Motocicletas dentro del Cantón Cuenca” (Ordinance Regulating the Permitted Capacity of Persons on Motorcycles in the Canton of Cuenca). The ordinance contains the prohibition of 2 people on a moto and establishes that EMOV prepare a manual. There are exceptions that allow a 2nd person on a moto if they are spouses or people living together, children or siblings, people with disabilities, seniors, and under 12 year olds.

The ordinance also requires motorcycle dealerships to sell matriculas (vehicle registrations) when they receive their permits to sell motos. Delivery drivers need to be registered, have a RUC, and pay taxes to the federal and local governments. Above all, they need to have the registration for the moto and be its owner. At the same time, planners can learn how many delivery motos there are in the canton, and then establish how many the city needs depending on the size of the population.

El Mercurio visited moto dealers and found that the motos leave the dealerships with matriculas and plates when they are sold. Generally work motos, called “panaderas” have small motors of 150-200 cc’s. These are sold with all documentation in the name of the buyer. Electric motos don’t need a license to drive nor matriculas. <So that sounds like a private transportation option for all you gringos who figure you can’t pass a drivers test in Spanish. Or do they give them in English now? And when you get on the road on your new electric scooter, just learn “Ceda el Paso” so you don’t get run over through ignorance.> Darío Ordoñez, manager of EMOV estimated that about 5,000 motos without documentation are on the roads in Cuenca. In 2022, 15,606 motos were matriculated. In 2018, the number was 10,147. In 2022, 100 crimes were committed in Cuenca using motos. <Somehow, that doesn’t sound like a whole lot for a city of a half million people.>

Sucesos –

Alerta en Cuenca por red de pornografía infantil (Alert in Cuenca for child porn network) – After an international investigation called “Aliados por la Infancia – Protección Infantil XI,” the Policía Nacional arrested a 15 year old in Guayaquil who is suspected of being implicated in pornography using boys, girls and teens. <I wonder if that teen was abused himself and there are a lot of adults that still need to be caught and arrested.> At the arraignment hearing the judge ordered socio-educational measures, psychological treatment, and appearing before authorities periodically for the teen who is also the principal suspect. The operation covered Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, the US, Panamá, Paraguay y Puerto Rico with arrests worldwide. Dinapen (Dirección Nacional de Policía Especializada para Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes) verified that a pornographic video was uploaded from a platform in Cuenca. The suspect had a tablet and computer that caused alerts from 2 IP’s.

Nacional –

Galápagos está en emergencia por aves enfermas (Galapagos in emergency due to sick birds) – The Dirección del Parque Nacional Galápagos (DPNG) and the Control de la Bioseguridad y Cuarentena para Galápagos (ABG) activated emergency sanitary protocols on the report of visibly sick birds on islands such as Wolf & Genovesa, to the north of the archipelago. The DPNG is moving a ship with specialists to Genovesa island to take samples from the birds for analysis in the ABG labs. The Galápagos has about 78 endemic and native bird species, many of which migrate to the continental coasts to feed. The two agencies constantly monitor the health of the animals in the islands. They recommended that if you see birds with symptoms you shouldn’t get close to or pick up the animals and you should report it immediately. <So what is a symptom for a sick bird short of something that looks like a full epileptic attack?>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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