
Presidential candidates Luisa González and Daniel Noboa are back on the campaign trail and both are wearing bulletproof vests. Both report that they have received death threats and have agreed to police and armed forces protection. Over the weekend, González wore a protective vest for the first time as she campaigned in Imbabura Province. “It...
The Construye Movement, the party of assassinated presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, is asking the National Electoral Council to reverse its decision to hold a new National Assembly election for Ecuadorians living abroad. The CNE decided to throw out the August 20 election results due to suspected hacking of its online voting system. National Construye Secretary...
By Monica Machicao In a break with the past, Bolivia’s government has acknowledged that the country is becoming a production hub for cocaine rather than a mere transport hub and grower of raw coca leaves. Along with Colombia and Peru, Bolivia is widely recognized as a leading world producer of coca, the raw ingredient for...
By Danel Kalder Of all the grim futures on offer today, climate change is unquestionably the doomsday scenario that weighs most heavily on the minds of the most people. Despite the raging hype that AI might one day turn against its creator, no protestor has yet glued himself to a JMW Turner painting to demand...
According to the government, all operations of Cuenca’s Turi prison have “returned to normal” following the release Friday of 44 prison guards and police officers. Azuay Province Governor Consuelo Orellana said most prison staff have returned to work and that the daily schedule has been resumed. As she did following Thursday’s news conference, Orellana cut...
Viernes, 1/9/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Actividades culturales para septiembre (Cultural activities for September) – There will be activities in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco in the Casa de la Cultura Núcleo del Azuay. El 5/9 a las 19:00 there will be the musical, Super Mario Bros performed by the students of the Academia Wasi...
By Susana Madera Two endangered birds, the golden-cheeked parakeet and the yellow-eared parrot, will soon have a new habitat in Ecuador’s Montaña de Luz, where the community has planted more than 300 wax palms, home to the tiny birds. Due to its slow growth, the wax palm requires more than 80 years to begin its...
Two news websites reported Thursday night that hostages at the Turi prison had been released. As of early Friday morning, however, there was no government confirmation. Red Informativa reported that 15 guards and five policemen had been released while Código Vidrio said 50 guards and seven police officers walked out a side entrance of the...
Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain are the main destinations for drugs leaving Ecuador through its ports, according to Interior Minister Juan Zapata and the National Police, which since the beginning of the year has seized 151 tons of illicit substances. In a press conference, Zapata reaffirmed that Ecuador is the third country in the world...
By Arturo McFields  A new wave of immigration is knocking on the doors of the U.S., despite the reduction experienced this summer after the end of Title 42 and the new Biden immigration policy. Detentions on the border with Mexico increased by 30 percent in July, from 99,545 to 130,000. This month, the figure could...
Miércoles, 30/8/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Taller musical gratuito en la Antigua Escuela (Free music workshop at the Antigua Escuela) – A workshop in the technology involved in the creation of music will be given between el 3 & 5/10 from 14:00 a 18:00 in the Antigua Escuela Central. The workshop will be given...
Early Thursday, officials said there have been no new developments in the hostage crisis at the Turi prison, south of Cuenca. Prisoners remain in control of the prison while hundreds of military and police personnel are massed outside the gates. National Police Commander Fausto Salinas said that an “unknown number” of prison guards and security...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News