Ecuador News

Despite social media reports that Ecuadorians will soon be without cell phone connections, the Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency (Arcotel) said there will be no interruption in service. “While we continue negotiations with cell and internet providers, there will be not stoppage of service. Rumors that the services will end is incorrect.” Last week Arcotel...
Dozens of scientists and academics began meeting Monday on Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands to chart a path to a “zero carbon” energy transition on that Pacific archipelago. During the two-day “Summit for the Sustainable and Inclusive Decarbonization of the Galapagos Islands,” those experts will present the results of investigations conducted as part of the “Galapagos Living...
Lunes, 3/7/2023 Hola, Todos – I will be taking a 1 or 2 week vacation starting after I post this issue. I’ll be trying to cure a severe case of exhaustion. Today’s issue lists the tax debtors from Manuel Burhuan to María Corral. <If you owe the city any money, aren’t you glad governments no...
By Garry Vatcher Valeria is four years old and our team found her sitting on the ground, playing with a doll and humming John Lennon’s song, Imagine.  She just heard it playing on an old radio that she saved from the flood. She has no TV or cell phone, and this old radio is all...
The managers of Ecuador’s major hydroelectric plants met Friday in Guayaquil to plan a response for what they believe could be an electricity crisis later in the year. With the dry season just beginning, they worry that the coming El Niño could extend drought conditions well into 2024, severely limiting the country’s power generation capacity....
Ecuador’s culinary talent has once again reached the global stage as Cuenca-born pastry chef Pia Salazar has been honored with the prestigious title of Best Pastry Chef by the World’s 50 Best organization. The award recognizes Salazar’s exceptional talent and innovative approach to the art of pastry-making, solidifying her status as a trailblazer in the...
By the mid-1960s, Poland was waist-deep in the tar pit of economic and political collapse. The near monthly increase in the price of basic foodstuffs resulted in a nationwide plague of malaise and malnutrition that was decimating the working class. As a result, Peter Strzyga, his father, and a few relatives built a pigpen that...
By Fernando Ayala Corruption has taken over the political agenda of several countries, large and small, in Latin America. From the Rio Grande down to the south of the continent, the last decades have been marked more by money than by principles. Presidents prosecuted, fugitives, arrested, serving sentences. And no end in sight, with some...
Viernes, 30/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Susana Reyes llega con su obra NIDO (Susana Reyes arrives with her play NIDO) – Susan Reyes and Moti Deren will perform their work, “NIDO – el camino del retorno” el 13/7 a las 19:30 in the Teatro Carlos Tamariz. The dance performance with live music uses the...
Ecuador Attorney General Diana Salazar has been cleared of charges that she plagiarized parts of her undergraduate thesis at Quito’s Universidad Central. In its statement, the university’s academic review committee concluded that Salazar’s work, completed in 2005, “meets all academic requirements and is entirely original.” The statement added that the university used the services of...
A provincial court panel has ordered the city of Guayaquil to allow a “Gay Pride” parade Saturday in the city center. The new city government had denied LGBTQ groups a parade permit, arguing it would disrupt downtown traffic. As an alternative, the mayor’s office suggested the event be held at Parque Samanes, away form the...
Miércoles, 28/6/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Casa de Cultura ofrece una agenda variada (Casa de Cultura offers a varied program) – The Casa de Cultura presented it´s program for this week. Each night from today (miércoles) until el 8/7 a las 20:00, it will present ‘Paraíso Siteriano´ by the Teatro del Cielo theater group...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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