Some photo radars to be removed; Peru and Ecuador plan electric inter-connectivity; Tram prohibits LP gas tanks; Casa de Cultura presents mime theater

Jun 29, 2023 | 10 comments

Miércoles, 28/6/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Casa de Cultura ofrece una agenda variada (Casa de Cultura offers a varied program) – The Casa de Cultura presented it´s program for this week. Each night from today (miércoles) until el 8/7 a las 20:00, it will present ‘Paraíso Siteriano´ by the Teatro del Cielo theater group in the Sala Alfonso Carrasco. It will show through mime, many aspects of humanity. Cost: $10:00. <A show you can enjoy without learning Spanish? priceless.>

Mañana <If today is miércoles, you ought to be able to do the “math” to figure out what mañana is.> the students of the Academia Integral de Artes DIZA will perform a concert for the end of the season in Tribute to the family. The concert will be from 19:30-21:00 in the Teatro Casa de la Cultura. Cost: $5.00.

Mayor Cristian Zamora announced that the photo radar units that issue speeding tickets on Av. de las Amercas will be taken down. Those on the Cuenca-Azogues autopista will continue to issue tickets. (El Mercurio)

Este viernes, 30/6 a las 20:00, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will perform a concert with Christopher Mina conducting and Ana Viteria on the oboe. Free. <Free: a magic word for gringos. Makes their ears perk up. Funny how Ecuadorians think gringos are rich. But then they bump their elbow on the table at the same time.>

Titular –

Autorizan dar fin a contrato para radares (Authorization to end radar contract) – Mayor Zamora and EMOV manager Darío Ordóñez announced on el 22/6, that the contract for the traffic radars will be terminated unilaterally, fulfilling one of Zamora’s campaign promises. Without giving details, Ordóñez said there were about 20 inconistencies demonstrating non-compliance by the Movil Technology consortium. Zamora said that that only the radars on the vía rápida Cuenca-Azogues will continue to issue tickets, but not those along av. De las Américas. The comptroller’s office should determine the return of money to drivers who were fined. The Consorcio Movil Technology said it is continuing to work until official notification has been received. To find out if you have fines, go to; go to Consulta de Infracciones and enter the number of your cédula, license plate, passport or RUC.

Cuenca –

Tranvía no transporta mercancías peligrosas (Tramway does not transport hazardous goods) – Recently Tranvía personnel noticed a passenger on the tram with a tank of domestic gas. The business issued an announcement prohibiting hazardous goods such as gas tanks, fuels, chemical products <Well there go most of your groceries if you buy a lot of processed foods.>, and other dangerous products and substances.

Nacional –

Ecuador y Perú con plan de interconexión eléctrica (Ecuador and Peru with electricity interconnection plan) – Ecuador is planning an electrical superhighway to Perú, similar to the one to Colombia which has been operating for 20 years, allowing mutual collaboration during droughts. The 500,000-volt line will start operating in the first part of 2027 and cost $289 million. For the implementation of the project, it was vital that the Corporación Eléctrica de Ecuador (CELEC) received the environmental license from the Ministerio de Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica on el 21/5; and that the Government authorized delivery of loans to the government company. <Oh, horrors! The Government owns the electric company. We’re living in a socialist state. Better move back to the US immediately – where consumers can be victimized by corporations such as Enron who created artificial shortages to boost their profits.>

To pay the $289 million for the project, the Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) is lending $125 million and the Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) another $150 million with the balance from CELEC’s own funds. The loans are expected to be signed in agosto y septiembre of this year. The project will go out to bid in febrero, 2024, and awarded in octubre, 2024. The work will start when the contract is signed and the project will start operating in the first half of 2027.

The connection will be between the Coca Codo Sinclair plant through substations in San Rafael, El Inga (Inca?), Tisaleo, Chorillos and Pasaje; then across the border to Perú and the substation in Pirua. It will be 800 km. long with the stretch from Chorrillos in Guayaquil to Piura accounting for 550 km. and 280 km. from Chorrillos to the border.

The efficacy of the project lies in complementary matrixes between Ecuador, which is strong in hydroelectrical power, and Perú which is strong in natural gas. This will allow the interchanges of energy and strengthen the electrical system in the south of Ecuador. The provinces of El Oro, Guayas, and Loja will benefit from the incorporation of the Pasaje substation. Integration of future generation projects such as the photovolcaic projects in Loja, El Oro and Azuay are guaranteed. The extension and modernization of the national transmission system will be financed by BID, totalling $241 million.

And that’s all for today so Hasta ? Maybe Thu and Sat instead of Fri. depending on how fast and what days I can take care of other business.


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper (please don’t ask her for them). The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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