Ecuador News

If you’re considering a move to Ecuador, you might want to check out César Ochoa’s website,, before making a decision. If you’re already in Ecuador, the website and accompanying book can make your transition easier. “My intention is to help people avoid some of the pitfalls my wife I experienced when we moved here...
Lunes, 20/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nulti atrae con aventura y vivencias (Nulti attracts with adventure and experiences) – The Nulti parish GAD is promoting experiences and adventure tourism in conjunction with the communities and businesses in the sector, and with the youth who are trained as tour guides. Tourists can climb down into...
Government Minister Henry Cucalón reminded the National Assembly Monday that President Guillermo Lasso can invoke the muerta cruzada, or death cross, any time he considers it appropriate. “This option, as defined by the constitution, is always on his desk and can be employed at his discretion.” Cucalón’s comments came hours before the National Assembly’s Legislative...
Except for the collapse of a building facade that killed one and injured two others, early assessments show that Cuenca escaped catastrophic damage from Saturday’s 6.7 magnitude earthquake. “We are very fortunate that we did not have more injuries and damage,” says Tatiana Pineda, Cuenca Risk Management director. She added that it was ironic that...
The alpacas have returned to the mountains that separate Colombia and Ecuador thanks to a binational project that seeks to repopulate these border territories with one of the most emblematic camelids of the Andes. Within the framework of this initiative, a binational convention on alpaca breeding was held this Friday between the two communities involved...
A powerful earthquake south of Guayaquil has left at least 14 people dead, including one in Cuenca and one in nearby Molleturo, and more than 100 more injured. The quake measured 6.7 magnitude on the Richter Scale, occurring at a depth of 44 kilometers. Several aftershocks, including one of 4.8 magnitude and another of 4.6,...
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities announced Friday that it will hold sit-ins and possibly other protests at the Constitutional Court in Quito when judges hear the National Assembly request to begin an impeachment trial against President Guillermo Lasso. “There should be no question about the admissibility of the case against the president and our members...
Viernes, 17/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Feliz Día de San Patricio. <If you drink a lot of green beer today, do you pass green piss tomorrow? I’m just extrapolating from an experience after eating a ton of beets one day.> Actividades – Titular – Activan juicio político a Lasso (Lasso’s impeachment trial activated) – See today’s...
President Guillermo Lasso has “categorically rejected” the National Assembly plan to begin an impeachment trial against him. “This is nothing less than a plot to destabilize the country,” the president said in press statement Thursday night. “Its sole objective is to attack the institutionality of Ecuador and of democracy.” Lasso’s reaction followed the announcement Thursday morning that...
Miércoles, 15/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – El Plateado tendrá nueva ruta turística (El Plateado to have new tourist route) – A new tourist route in Nulti parish will start this weekend. The route descends into las grietas (cracks) which you can explore and hike through. There is new signage and security when you make...
A vote to condemn the visit of four Correista (UNES) National Assemblywomen to Iran in January was defeated Monday in the National Assembly. National Assemblywomen Vanessa Freire, who called for a censure of her fellow Assemblywomen, described the trip “an outrage” and “an insult to women.” Assemblywomen Pamela Aguirre, Viviana Veloz, Marcela Holguín and Johana...
The government of Ecuador announced Tuesday it has expelled the Argentine ambassador after a former minister convicted of corruption escaped from Argentina’s embassy in Quito. Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Holguín reported that the decision to declare Ambassador Gabriel Fuks persona non grata was taken after several meetings in which the government demanded clarification about how...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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